Maxillary sinus radical surgery, due to excision of the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus, and sometimes the growth of scar tissue into the maxillary sinus, the formation of obstruction, or even cause maxillary sinusitis recurrence. To overcome this drawback, the authors used an autograft graft for maxillary anterior walloplasty: an intraoral incision, a mucoperiosteal flap, and a transverse, oblong composite with maxillary sinus mucosa removed with a drill and saw in the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus Bone pieces about 1.5 × 3.0cm, covered with saline gauze cover, remove the maxillary sinus lesions, the lower nasal passages for the hole, and then take the vertical bone composite jaw open in the maxillary sinus window, the lower edge of the bone surface, bone drilling Hole suture fixation, suture mucoperiosteal flap.