The application of digital art in the exhibition design under the background of big data Era

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  【Abstract】:Based on the development of a large number of digital display design and summarized analysis, introduces the digital display design history, find out the law of its development, analyzes the features of the design of digital display. The application of virtual reality technology in modern display design is introduced in this paper. In the future, we look forward to the development prospect of digital display design, and put forward some positive suggestions for the development of digital display design in our country.
  【Key word】:digital art; exhibition design; virtual reality technology; innovation
  First of all, the development of modern exhibition art
  Modern exhibition art is the process of planning, designing, designing and implementing the system with the traditional or modern media for the design of science and technology and art. With the continuous development of society, the modern display of art in the economic and cultural status is also becoming more and more important. In modern art, no longer simply rely on panels or showcase this purely static display, but the use of multimedia technology in great quantities, showing a dynamic and interactive display. Viewers can not only multi dimension to watch the exhibits, but also can operate on the exhibits, and exhibits interactive, so that the audience more directly understand the features and features of the product. In recent years, the rise of digital technology, so that the modern exhibition art has a new creative technique, digital technology brings new interactive experience will be a new development trend of modern art.
  secondly, the application of virtual reality technology in modern display art
  The virtual reality technology matures the modern art exhibition will find new breakthrough in gradually in the show by interactivity and immersion, bring the conception of virtual reality technology has injected fresh blood to the modern art exhibition.
  (a) product display
  In modern art, virtual reality technology was first applied to products. In the information age today, the sales and service of commercial products are gradually moving towards digital, digital media, efficient and economical information dissemination characteristics, improve the competitiveness of products. For example, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation's Roewe brand, in its official website on the use of virtual reality technology to display the Roewe car. Through the display interface, the user can drag the mouse at any angle to watch the vehicle shape, also can enter inside the car interior in this way, more realistic than the traditional picture of the way, but also enhance the product display effect.   (b) Architectural Exhibition
  The traditional architectural exhibition, such as the field of commercial real estate exhibition and display the cultural field of historical buildings tend to model scale to show the way, this way, although it can display multi angle building, but because of the scaling model, the observer can not really feel the building size more, can not feel the feeling after building into reality. At present, some famous cultural attractions, such as the Imperial Palace, Dunhuang, Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum and so on have done such a virtual reality system.
  (c) environmental simulation
  Virtual reality technology not only can simulate the specific objects, but also can make multi dimension virtual simulation on the environment, which can realize the visual, auditory, tactile and other visual simulation. For example, through 3D glasses, 3D helmet, multi-channel projection to realize multi angle three-dimensional visual simulation through a full range of head recording technology to show more realistic 3D sound; data glove can be achieved through telekinesis. This kind of virtual reality technology has been applied in many exhibition halls.
  once more, virtual reality technology in the modern display art in the artistic performance
  The art of virtual reality technology is first found in the virtual nature of digital images, and non physical. As the digital image is a real image of non physical, it is not an objective existence, it is not a matter of the performance of the imagination of the reality, but a truly belong to the electronic visual texture of the image. But at the same time, the digital imaging and in the simulation of the real physical environment, even beyond the reality of the construction of the new environment and new material, this is also true fantasy, reality and virtual entanglement often lead people unlimited thinking, this is from the reality, but beyond the reality of the performance itself has become a kind of art.
  finally, Prospects for the development of virtual reality of modern exhibition art
  he virtual reality technology for the current development of science and technology is a relatively new technology, belongs to a branch of the digital technology, and the application of this technology in the modern art exhibition has just started, has shown its obvious advantages and charm. What it brings is not only a revolution in the visual effect of art, but also a new interactive experience.
  Thus, the virtual reality of modern art exhibition as a new combination of technology and art, have any previous era have incomparable creativity, imagination and personally on the scene, more reasonable coordination interaction relationship between human and human, has opened up a new development direction in the field of modern display art, its immersion, interaction and imagination also features to display art brings new creative style and artistic language. Today, we need not only artists can master digital technology to design all kinds of graphics software, but also the need to respect the rules of artistic creation, seriously study the traditional art language cultural connotation, improve the ability of digital art and artistic accomplishment, to fully experience the traditional Chinese art of "glow", thus creating better digital art works.
【摘要】:水墨动画是中国独有的动画形式,通过把传统的中国水墨画引入到动画制作中,使动画片产生了独特的魅力和诗意。三维水墨动画通过强大的表现力和后期进一步制作的水墨的浓淡,虚实的变化,表现出了传统水墨动画所没有的张力。在制作过程当中,水墨动画与一般的动画片不同,水墨在纸上自然渲染,浑然天成,所以在三维动画当中,建模和水墨材质的渲染成为了一大难点。  【关键词】:三维;水墨动画   1960的《小蝌蚪
【摘要】:我国数字漫画产业发展至今虽仍不足十年,但却显示出无比旺盛的生命力,并经历了几次盈利模式的摸索和变革,最终形成目前按章收费为主,并向打造“IP”转化的盈利模式。本文对我国数字漫画盈利模式发展过程进行了分析,将其划分整理为萌芽期、试水期、适应期和平稳发展期四个阶段,为漫画产业商业模式创新探索提供研究基础。  【关键词】:数字漫画;发展过程;阶段特点  漫画作为是动漫产业链的第一个环节,是日本
人在感知的过程中通过感觉器官形成对客观事物的认识,而当事物不再作用于感官时,人对其的认识并不随之消失,而能够在人的记忆中保持,并且在一定条件下可以重现。比如观看过电影的观众,在电影散场后仍能够复述出电影的大致情节和某些镜头。  记忆是人脑对过去经验中发生过的事物的反映。由于记忆,人才能保持过去的反映,使当前的反映在以前反映的基础上进行,使反映更全面、更深入。也就是有了记忆,人才能积累经验,扩大经验
【摘要】:随着平面设计的成熟和发展,图形创意成为了广告设计要素中的重要部分。广告设计里面的图形是一个特别的语言表达,设计者用它来对广告进行研究,图形以它丰富的表达方式让读者产生视觉上的冲击力和形式美感。本文正是通过对图形创意在广告设计中的运用,从简约式、抽象式、写实式等方面进行探讨,最后再对图形创意在广告设计中的未来发展趋势做进一步分析。  【关键词】:图形创意;视觉冲击力;广告设计  前言  图
【摘要】:招贴是信息传播的重要载体,是广告设计的重要表现形式之一,具有悠久的历史文化。无论是商业招贴还是公益招贴,在其产生和发展过程中都离不开社会大环境及文化理念对其所产生的影响。随着科技的进步和时代的变迁,各种新兴广告媒体的冲击之下,传统的二维平面化招贴已经不能够满足人们获取信息的需求,只有不断挖掘多元化、新颖的表现方式,才能够让招贴设计与时俱进,真正适应当代社会新形式的发展。  【关键词】:招
【摘要】:随着时代的飞速发展,现代影视艺术走进了千家万户,和我们的生活紧密联系在一起。影视艺术是一门由多种元素构成的综合性的艺术形式,它内容丰富、表现能力强,因而审美价值也是其他艺术形式难以比拟的。本文将从影视艺术及其鉴赏方法、现代影视艺术鉴赏的元素及途径、现代影视艺术鉴赏的特征三个方面进行论述。  【关键词】:影视艺术;鉴赏元素及途径;鉴赏特征;蒙太奇  前言  影视作品在给我们带来视觉、听觉上
【摘要】:魏碑是我国历史上南北朝时期出现的一种新的书体,它以石刻的形式流传后世,其中主要以摩崖、墓志、碑碣和造像题记为大宗,本文就是以魏碑当中极具代表性的《郑文公碑》来作为研究对象  【关键词】:郑文公碑;摩崖  一、《郑文公碑》考略  《郑文公碑》全称《魏故中书令秘书监使持节督兖州诸军事安东将军兖州刺史南陽文公郑君之碑》,又名《郑羲碑》。北魏光州刺史鄭道昭于公元511年(永平四年)为其父郑羲所立
一、功能性特征  艺术设计最初是为了完成某项特有的功能,产品功能的实现是设计的首要目的其次才是对产品其他层次上考虑:例如对产品美观性、实用性、经济性上的設计。衣、食、住、行、用,形形色色、大大小小的物品是因在生活中遇到某种困难需要使用某种工具来解决,这也是人与动物的区别。对产品的设计就是为了让产品更符合人们使用的习惯来解决困难,让所设计的产品得到更多人的认可和喜爱。  产品设计上具有三个方面的功能