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近日,黄浦、宝山区分别发生1起电梯困人和1起人员溺水突发事故,造成18名人员被困,所在辖区消防中队出警迅速、措施有力,成功营救出被困人员。8月16日19时许,黄浦支队码头中队接到市局应急联动中心出警命令:丽水路81号紫锦城商业中心观光电梯内有17名外国友人被困在三楼和四楼之间,其中有14名小朋友。中队官兵到场后,了解得知被困电梯内的是华亭旅游公司组团的韩国友人旅行团,因电梯突发故障,被困在电梯内已有较长时间,并有部分小朋友出现呼吸困难,情况十分危急。中队指挥员在迅速查看现场情况后,向在场的民警和单位负责人提出采取破门救人的处置方案。在取得民警和单位负责人的认同后,中队官兵迅速脱下两件战斗服上衣从缝隙中塞入电梯,让外国友人顶在头上并背对电梯门,以防破拆玻璃门时玻璃碎片伤人。中队官兵敲碎玻璃门后,跳入电梯内,稳定友人情绪,采取弱者优先、小孩优先、女士优先的 Recently, Huangpu and Baoshan districts experienced 1 drowning accident and 1 drowning accident, respectively. As a result, 18 officers were trapped and the fire squadron in the area where the fire brigade was located was rapidly out of the police. The measures were effective and the trapped personnel were successfully rescued. August 16 19 am, the Huangpu Detachment Squadron received a response from the City Council emergency response center command: Lishui Road 81 Purple City Commercial Center elevator has 17 foreign friends trapped between the third and fourth floor, Among them, there are 14 children. Squadron officers and soldiers arrived at the scene, learned that the trapped elevator is a delegation of South Korean touring company Hua Ting Tourism Company, due to sudden failure of the elevator, trapped in the elevator for a long time, and some children with dyspnea, the situation Very critical. Squadron commanders in the rapid view of the scene, the presence of the police and unit heads to take to solve the rescue plan. After obtaining the approval of the police and the unit chief, the officers and men of the squadron quickly took off the two combat suit jackets and crammed the elevator into the gap so that foreigners would head on their heads and lift their doors against the elevator doors to prevent the glass fragments from being broken when the glass doors were torn apart Injured. Squadron officers and men smashed the glass door, jumped into the elevator, stable friends mood, take the weak priority, child priority, ladies priority
弄清基本建设档案(简称基建档案)的属性,对于提高判断基建档案的能力,做好基建档案工作,具有重要的指导意义,现提出如下浅见和同志们讨论。 (一) 基建档案是基本建设活动的
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