Breaking down the three ideological obstacles in the Cultural Exchange between China andthe West

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  【Absrtact】today, Chinese and Western cultures are still worthy of interpretation and discussion from the perspective of communication. In the process of cultural exchange between China and the West, many problems still need to be further combed, and the connotation of Chinese culture is further interpreted.
  【Key words】cultural exchanges; between China and the West; quan’shi
  Chinese culture is broad and profound, while western culture leads the way in understanding and practicing modernity. Therefore, how to enable the two cultures to have an effective dialogue should be a topic requiring attention.
  1. Is it possible to have equal cultural exchanges
  To discuss the cultural exchange between China and the West in the context of Chinese historiography, "the history of cultural exchange between China and the West" and "the spreading history of Christianity in China" are basically synonyms for discussing the issue of Christianity in the context of Chinese religious circles. There is an insoluble crux in the study of the history of cultural exchange between China and the West, that is, the equality of cultural exchange and communication. Some scholars hold that the cultural exchanges between China and the West over the past 400 years have always been unequal, while others believe that most of the time in the past 400 years has been unequal, and only in a few times has it been equal. In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, many researchers actually thought it was unequal, but some scholars thought that it was equal in some aspects, but did not dare to define it as an equal exchange in general.
  2. Is it possible to have a non-discriminatory and unified world culture
  The theory of cultural interaction transformation recognizes that cultural communication is the driving force of cultural development, but it holds that the channels of cultural exchange and dissemination are often two-way and, in many cases, an interactive process; the two sides of the exchange interact with each other. On many occasions it is difficult to tell who is the pure active disseminator and the completely passive recipient; the distinction between foreign culture and native culture is relative in the stage of cultural integration. Judging from the published academic works on the history of cultural exchanges between China and the West, many people, consciously or unconsciously, have set Western culture and Chinese culture as hostile sides, and because of some advantages of Western culture since modern times, Therefore, people pay attention to the expansion of western culture to China in the discussion, but ignore the influence of Chinese culture on western culture.   3. Is accurate cultural translation possible
  Translation refers not only to the translation of one language into another, but also to translation in the sense of culturology, that is, the conversion of different ways of thinking. The two meanings of translation are linked together in practice, because the need for word translation arises from cultural communication, which can not be separated from language translation. Will the frequent misunderstanding or error in translation hinder the deepening of cultural communication and lead to the accumulation of misunderstanding? in short, is it possible to achieve accurate cultural translation? Philosopher Quinn proposed a "principle of uncertainty in translation", pointing out that the exact correspondence between the two languages is uncertain. Therefore, there is no "thorough translation" between two languages, and the meaning expressed in one language cannot be translated unambiguously into another language.
  4. Conclusion
  History has proved and the future will further prove that the healthy development of cultural exchanges between China and the West is an important driving force for the development of human cultural undertakings. Just as Liang Qichao described it at the beginning of the century, the combination of Chinese culture and western culture is bound to give birth to the crystallization of human culture.
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纵横驰骋,是人类孜孜不倦的追求。 100年前,孙中山先生在《建国方略》中曾勾画出一个宏大的设想:要建一条东起北平(今北京)、经阿拉善,西至迪化(今乌鲁木齐)的第二条进疆大通道。100年后的今天,这个梦想被京新高速公路变成了现实。  京新高速公路于2012年9月动工修建,2017年7月全线贯通,全长2768公里,连接北京、河北、山西、内蒙古、甘肃和新疆。作为国家西部大开发的一条交通主动脉,京新高速公
【摘要】根据高职英语移动教学模式的特点和优势结合英语实践教学,探讨移动教学模式的可行性和有效性以及在教学模式实施过程中遇到的问题和应对措施,最后,以调查问卷形式呈现研究成果。  【关键词】移动教学模式;高职英语;互联网  【作者简介】朱艳,女,陕西宝鸡人,宝鸡职业技术学院,硕士,讲师,研究方向:信息化高职英语教学。  “互联网 ”时代给高职英语的教学方式、教学手段、学习方式、教师角色等带来挑战和机
青田縣被群山环抱,如左页大图,瓯江在小城里穿流而过,一副十足的江南小城模样;右页上面两小图是青田石雕艺人利用青田叶腊石石料的天然色彩、质地、纹理、形态进行精心设计,因材施艺,因色取俏,打造的精美石雕艺术品。下面两图为青田县具有欧洲风格的建筑。  对于许多中国人来说,青田县这个名字可能比较陌生,但关于它的名头却让人不明觉厉——“中国房价第一县”“外汇第一县”“中国金融十强县”“人均存款第一县”…… 
【摘要】在雅思考试中,听力相较于写作、口语,被认为是相对容易拿高分的项目。听力的四个部分难度依次递增,section1本是最容易拿高分的部分。然而,教学过程反应出学生基础知识不牢固,单词拼写错漏百出,数字、名字、地址听写难以全对等问题,导致section1失分。  【关键词】雅思;雅思听力;英语教学;中外合作办学;教学方法  【作者简介】袁绪佳(1990-),女,广东茂名人,北京师范大学珠海分校外
【摘要】在当前的时代背景下,提高英语教学的效率具有较强的现实意义。英语教师应当秉承创新的理念,根据实际教学不断改进传统的教学模式,创建诗意课堂,有效激发学生的主动性,使它们能够在英语学习过程中获得更高的审美艺术。本文将针对英语课堂教学的现状提出相应的改进优化策略。  【关键词】英语课堂教学;现状;优化策略  【作者简介】张慧慧,江苏省南通市通州区实验中学。  在教育改革不断深入的背景下,提高英语课
【摘要】英语不仅仅是一门语言学科,也是一门人文学科,培养中学生的人文素质对初中英语教学具有重要的现实意义。在英语教学中落实人文教育,将学生培养成为有健全人格的全面发展的人才。本文对初中英语教学中学生人文素质培养的重要性和具体培养策略进行了深入探讨,希望为初中英语教学提供参考。  【关键词】初中英语;人文素质;教学对策  【作者简介】杨彬彬,厦门市第二外国语学校。  在当今社会,人文素质是每个学生都
任天堂Nintendo Switch发布之后就吸引了无数人的关注,也成为近一两年最热门的游戏掌机,不过,SWitCh内置的32GB存储空间实在是太小了,通过microSD卡来扩充存储空间是必然选择。Switch自带的存储卡插槽最高支持2TB的micro SDXC内存卡,玩家在选购扩展存储卡的时候受到的局限很小。从储存内容看,当插入扩展存储卡后,数字版游戏、游戏截图、游戏补丁会存储到扩展存储卡中,游
【摘要】随着新课改的不断深入,高中英语教学中越来越注重核心素养的培养,而高中生英语写作能力作为评价高中生英语素养的重要依据,也常常被高中英语教师作为教学核心环节,受到格外关注。对于素质教育而言,基于核心素养的高中英语写作指导对于高中生英语水平的提升具有积极的导向作用。本文结合笔者实践教学的经验围绕核心素养展开对于高中生英语写作指导的策略研究,希望可以借此提升学生的写作水平。  【关键词】核心素养;