火树银花映大地,钟声洪亮报新时。值此1998年元旦、春节喜庆时刻,我谨代表《中外建筑》杂志社的全体同事们感谢社会各界朋友对本刊的厚爱与支持,向本刊广大读者、作者致以新年的问候和节日的祝贺!祝大家万事如意,合家幸福! 刚刚过去的1997年,是极不平凡的一年,胜利的一年,充满喜庆的一年:党的十五大的召开,确立了邓小平理论的指导思想地位,为全党、全军、全国各族人民树起了一面伟大的旗
Tree of fire silver flowers, the bells loudly reported a new time. On the occasion of the New Year’s Day and the Spring Festival festivities in 1998, I would like to thank all my colleagues in the magazine Chugai Jushi for their love and support for this magazine and my greetings and festivals for the readers and authors of this issue. congratulate! I wish you all the best, family happiness! The just-past year of 1997 was a very extraordinary one. The year of victory was full of festivity. The convening of the 15th National Congress of the CPC established the guiding ideological position of Deng Xiaoping Theory and laid the foundations for the entire party, the entire army and the entire country People of all nationalities set off a great banner