根据卫生部、农业部《布氏菌病监测工作方案》的要求,我省1991年在布病已达到控制区标准的(?)个县市,开展了布病监测工作,现将监测结果报告如下:一、内容及方法1 监测点及监测对象:选择历史上疫情重、周围有疫情存在灵宝、武陟、登封、方城、偃师五县、安阳市郊区及三门峡市湖滨区二区为监测点,常年进行监测。监测对象主要为7~60岁,与传染源接触比较密切的人群,包括兽医、屠宰、饲养员、皮毛加工人员等,每点首次调查人数在2000人以上,以后每年不少于1000人,其中应有60%以上
According to the requirements of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture on the “Work Plan for Monitoring Brucellosis Surveillance”, in 1991, the province carried out monitoring work on brucellosis in (?) Counties where brucellosis has reached the standard of control areas. Now, the monitoring results report As follows: First, the content and methods 1 monitoring points and monitoring objects: select the history of the epidemic, there are epidemics around Lingbao, Wuyi, Dengfeng, Fangcheng, Yanshi five counties, Anyang suburbs and Sanmenxia City Hubin District II District for the monitoring point, perennial monitoring. Surveillance targets are mainly from 7 to 60 years of age. People with close contact with sources of infection, including veterinarians, slaughter and breeders, fur workers, etc., each have an initial survey of more than 2,000 people and no less than 1,000 people annually thereafter, of which Should be more than 60%