概念:属于皮肤消化道血管瘤病,皮肤和消化道有海绵状或毛细血管性血管瘤。分型:1958年 Bean 把皮肤血管瘤的异型分成三型:①取代正常组织,增大甚至阻塞消化道等管状结构的海绵状血管瘤。②被菲薄的皮肤覆盖的橡皮奶嘴样血管瘤。③带有不规则蓝色的痣。命名为蓝色橡皮奶嘴样痣(blue rubber blab nevus),并指出往往合并消化道血管瘤。1960年 Berlyne 等报告了一个连续5代有蓝色橡皮奶嘴样痣的家系,其中14人中4人见有慢性消化道出血所致的缺铁性贫血,为此他把贫血追列为本症的伴随症状。
Concept: belongs to the skin gastrointestinal angiomatosis, spongy or capillary hemangiomas of the skin and digestive tract. Classification: 1958 Bean divides the hepatoma of the hemangiomas into three types: 1 Replaces normal tissues, enlarges or even obstructs cavernous hemangiomas in tubular structures such as the digestive tract. 2 Diaphragm-like hemangiomas covered by thin skin. 3 with irregular blue blemishes. It is named blue rubber blab nevus and indicates that gastrointestinal hemangiomas are often combined. In 1960, Berlyne et al. reported on a family of 5 blue-green teat-like sputum samples. Among them, 4 of 14 people were diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia due to chronic gastrointestinal bleeding. Concomitant symptoms.