一、根据地球的运动判断季节 1.根据北斗七星斗柄的指向判断季节:北斗七星的斗柄指向“东”、“南”、“西”、“北”方位时,分别对应北半球的“春”、“夏”、“秋”、“冬”季节。 2.根据地球公转的速度判断季节:地球公转的速度接近或达到最大时,北半球为冬季,南半球为夏季;地球公转的速度接近或达到最小时,北半球为夏季,南半球为冬季。 3.根据日出、日落的时间判断季节:若日出6时前(或日落18时后),当地为夏半年;若日出6时后(或日落18时前),当地为冬半年。
First, according to the Earth’s movement to determine the season 1. According to the dipper handle pointing to determine the season: Big Dipper handle point to “East”, “South”, “West”, “North” position Respectively correspond to the “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn”, “Winter” season in the northern hemisphere. 2. Judging the seasons according to the speed of earth revolution: When the revolution of the Earth approaches or reaches the maximum, the northern hemisphere is winter and the southern hemisphere is summer. The revolution of the earth is near or at the minimum. The northern hemisphere is summer and the southern hemisphere is winter. 3. According to the sunrise and sunset time to determine the season: If the sunrise before 6:00 (or after 18:00 sunset), the local summer months; sunrise 6:00 (or sunset 18:00), the local winter half a year.