Therefore, the “Moby Dick,” known as “South Korea’s First Huang Zhengmin Incident of Justice Fighting Department Conspiracy Theory Film,” announced the start of the filming and was particularly concerned by the outside world. On November 20, 1994, a serious explosion occurred at the rock bridge in the suburb of Seoul. The police spied on the grounds of the large-scale amusement park for a long time, but the bloody reporter Li Fangyu (Huang Zheng-min) found many doubts behind it and determined to The truth in the daytime. On that very day, Yin Hsiu (Chen Jiu), a fellow offender who had not been in contact for a long time, appeared before him and handed over some information about the explosion. According to these data, Li Fangyu found that this is not as visible as the bombing of the incident that simple, but a conspiracy incident. In order to clarify the ins and outs of the incident, Li Fangyu and colleagues Sun Zhenji (Jin Shanghao ornaments), Cheng Xiao Lun (Kim Min