7月29日上午,随着铺轨机一声长鸣,中国中铁五局集团施工人员将首对500 m长轨安全平稳地铺设到无砟轨道道床上。这标志着济南至青岛高速铁路正式进入铺轨阶段,为联调联试和建成通车打下坚实基础。济青高铁正线
On the morning of July 29, as the track laying machine soon sounded, the construction staff of China Railway Fifth Bureau Group will safely and smoothly lay the first 500 m long track onto the ballastless track bed. This marks the Jinan-Qingdao high-speed railway officially entered the stage of laying track for the joint commission to build and open to lay a solid foundation. Jinan-Qingdao high-speed rail is the main line