明朝末年,乌龙镇有个姓胡名魁的财主,家有良田千亩,宅院数层,厅堂楼阁迂回连环,雕梁画栋,巧夺天工,远近百里无人不晓胡家连环楼的。这胡魁为富不仁,仗着财大气粗,上结贪官,下欺百姓,闹得民不聊生,怨声载道。 这年,胡魁为了炫耀自己的荣华富贵,一时心血来潮,在连环楼北面的一片大水塘上,立柱铺板,修建一处带风铃的打谷场,名曰“响铃场”。每次打晒五谷时,柱上板下的银铃就会随着石碾的震动而发出清脆的响
The Ming Dynasty, the town of Wulong a surname Hu Mingkui the rich man, family farmland acres, the house several layers, hall decks detours, carved beams, exquisitely crafted, far and near Barry no one knows the Hu chain of floor. This Hu Kui is heartless, relying on the rich and powerful, on the knot corrupt officials, under the bullying people, troubled the people not livelihood, complaints. This year, Hu Kui in order to show off his glory and wealth, and sometimes whim, in the north of Lianlou Lou on a large pond, column decking, the construction of a thorny wind threshing ground, called “bell field.” Each time the sunburn grain, the silver bells under the column plate will be crisp and loud with the vibration of the stone grind