每一对夫妇都希望生一个健康聪明的宝贝,那么在怀孕前3个月乃至6个月,这些夫妇就应“奏”响孕育生命的前奏曲,这样才能帮助自己如愿以偿。1 多吃提高精子和卵子活力的食物精子和卵子处于高活力状态,有利于形成优质的受精卵,孕育出健康聪慧的孩子。研究表明,在准备怀孕前3个月至半年,多吃一些富锌食物、动物内脏及滑黏食物,有助于提高精子和卵子的活力,因此要注意摄取。富锌食物具有补精壮阳的作用;动物内脏富含肾上腺皮质激素和性激素,适当食用可以增强性功能;滑黏食物富
Each couple wants to have a healthy and cleanest baby. In the first 3 months and even 6 months before pregnancy, these couples should play a prelude to their lives so that they can help themselves. 1 eat more to enhance the vitality of sperm and egg food sperm and egg in a high state of vitality, is conducive to the formation of high-quality fertilized eggs, give birth to healthy and bright children. Studies have shown that in the preparation for pregnancy from 3 months to six months, eat some zinc-rich foods, animal offal and slippery sticky food, help to increase sperm and egg vitality, so pay attention to intake. Zinc-rich foods have the role of nourishing yin and yang; Animal viscera is rich in adrenal hormones and sex hormones, proper consumption can enhance sexual function; slippery sticky food rich