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日前中小学语文教学的问题确实已经到了非改革不可的地步。有些问题我们语文教师明知道是问题,但不能不做,或违心地在做。比如说把语文课的工具性简单化、程式化,把生动的语文教学变成枯燥的纯技术训练。正因为高考的阅读分析题有是非题、选择题、填充题,我们不能不加以训练。高三的语文会考、高考模拟卷、综合练习卷有几十份,不做就不放心。不这样训练就感到对不起学生,对不起学生家长。如果说学生学业负担重,其实老师的精神负担、教学负担何尝不重! The issue of Chinese teaching in primary and secondary schools has indeed reached the point where non-reform cannot be achieved. There are some problems that we Chinese teachers know to be a problem, but we must not do it or do it against our will. For example, the instrumentality of language lessons is simplified and stylized, turning vivid language teaching into boring pure technical training. It is precisely because the college entrance examination questions have true and false questions, multiple choice questions, and filled questions. We cannot but train. There are dozens of high school language exams, college entrance exam simulation volumes, and comprehensive training volumes. Don’t worry if you don’t do it. Without such training, I feel sorry for the students and I am sorry that they are parents. If students’ academic burden is heavy, in fact, teachers’ spiritual burden and teaching burden are not heavy!
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NMET 中的单项填空题,根据题型结构来看,目前仍然是由题干加四个选择项组成。题干部分是以一两个句子或一组对话中留出一两处空白的形式出现;而四个选择项中只有一个选择是