The Third Clinical Symposium on Light Quantum Blood Medical Collaboration Network in Beijing was held on June 26, 1992 at the Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. Fan Xianjun first reviewed the research progress of photodynamic therapy and pointed out the possibility of expanding photodynamic therapy to leukemia: blood irradiated with a suitable dose of wavelength can directly kill blood cancer cells; lymphocytes can be significantly elevated and promote lymphatic The release of cell sensitization factors, which in turn lead to autoimmune responses; can increase leukocyte phagocytosis, stimulate the immune system, activate the complement system; one of the photoproducts F460 may be a tumor killer; a large number of killed leukemic cells wave back into After the human body, the spleen produced an effective immune response to them but there was no significant effect on the red blood cell plasma protein. Of the 10 patients treated with HPDL in the acute lymphoblastic leukemia, 1 patient achieved CR, (?)PR, and 2(?) were not effective. Tumor Hospital Zhang Lijun et al.