教材分析: 这篇课文写的是一九七九年二月我边防部队在对越南侵略者的自卫反击战中,英雄爆破手陶绍文奋不顾身炸毁敌人暗堡,壮烈牺牲的事迹。全文有六个自然段,是按事情发展的顺序记叙的,可分为四个部分。第一部分(第一、二自然段),是说在我边防部队对越南侵略者进行自卫反击战时,敌人的最后一个暗堡封住了我军前进的道路。从“激烈”、“新的冲锋”、“战士们象猛虎一般”、“冲过一道道战壕”、“摧毁一个个暗堡”、“疯狂”、“封住”等词语和句子,说明了我边防战士的英勇和敌人的凶恶,从而突出了战斗
Textbook analysis: This essay is about the heroic sacrifice made by heroic hero Tao Shao-wen in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam invaders in February 1979 by my border troops. There are six paragraphs in the full text, which are narrated in the order of their development and can be divided into four parts. The first part (the first and second natural paragraphs) means that at the time when our border guards defeated the Vietnamese aggressors in their self-defense counterattack, the enemy's last secret fort sealed the way for our advance. Describe me from words and sentences such as “intense”, “new assault”, “warriors like the tigers”, “rush through a trench”, “destroy a fortress”, “crazy”, “seal” The bravery of the border guards and the ferocity of the enemy have thus highlighted the battle