
来源 :中国老区建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zsmslife
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中国老区旅游扶贫论坛暨老区百县旅游资源推介会于7月31日至8月2日在北京国际会议中心举行。中共中央政治局委员、全国人大常委会副委员长姜春云为会议发来了贺信。全国政协副主席赵南起及国家旅游局、国务院扶贫办、中央精神文明办、水利部、国家经贸委、建设部、国土资源部、国家林业局、国家环保总局等单位领导,多位德高望重的老同志以及200多位来自老区和旅游单位的代表参加了会议。中国老促会举办这次论坛,力图打造一个开放和交流的平台,开展老区旅游资源展示,旅游线路宣传促销,旅游项目洽谈,开拓红色旅游市场。中国老区建设促进会常务副会长王作义在会上对开发老区旅游资源作了重要讲话。许多旅游专家、学者和权威人士纷纷给老区的旅游事业出谋献策。国家旅游局规划财务司魏小安司长、国 China Old Forum for Tourism Poverty Alleviation Forum and 100 counties tourism resources promotion will be held from July 31 to August 2 at the Beijing International Convention Center. Jiang Chunyun, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, sent a congratulation message for the meeting. Zhao Nanqi, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, and leaders of the National Tourism Administration, the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council, the Office of the Central Spiritual Civilization, the Ministry of Water Resources, the State Economic and Trade Commission, the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Land and Resources, the State Forestry Administration, the State Environmental Protection Administration and many other highly respected old comrades As well as more than 200 representatives from the old districts and tourist agencies attended the meeting. China Lao Jian will hold this forum, trying hard to build an open and exchange platform, to carry out tourism resources in the old district display, promotion of tourism routes, tourism project negotiations, open up the red tourism market. At the meeting, Wang Zuoyi, executive vice president of the China Old-building Promotion Association, made an important speech on the development of tourism resources in the old quarter. Many travel experts, academics and authoritative people have given advice and suggestions to the old-town tourism industry. Wei Xiaoyan, director of the Planning and Finance Department of the National Tourism Administration,
21世纪的《史记》研究应从第一手资料出发 ,要注重《史记》文化精神的研究 ;要加强训诂、目录、校勘、版本、考据等基础性研究 ;要重视《史记》重点难点问题研究 ;要避免研究
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经济政策中央经济工作会议提出明年必须抓好的六大方面工作…………………………(6—4)特 稿致全国统计科研工作会议的贺信…………………………朱之鑫(2-1)面向新世纪开创新局面 ——
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