改革开放以来,珠江三角洲的“四化”建设取得了令人瞩目的成就,教育也有较大的发展。八十年代初实现了普及小学教育,八十年代后期实现了普及初中教育,并初步建立了一个布局、结构比较合理的教育新体系,逐步体现了新形势下教育发展的趋势。 笔者最近走访了这一地区各市县和部分镇教育行政部门的领导。他们一致认为:社会经济的发展对人才、教育提出了新的要求,增办高中、职中已形成一股潮流。各级党政领导和教育行政部门,必须抓紧时机及早规划,逐步实施,力争早日普及高中教育,为实现教育发展战略目标作出新贡献。
Since the reform and opening up, remarkable achievements have been made in the “four modernizations” of the Pearl River Delta and education has also made great strides. The universal primary education was realized in the early 1980s, and universal secondary education was realized in the late 1980s. A new education system with a relatively rational layout and structure has been initially established, gradually embodying the trend of education development in the new situation. I recently visited the cities and counties in this region and part of the leadership of the education administration of the town. They all agreed that: The social and economic development has put forth new requirements on talent and education, increased the number of high schools, and a trend has emerged in the vocational education. Party and government leaders and educational administrations at all levels must seize the opportunity to plan early and implement them step by step so that they will popularize high school education at an early date and make new contributions to achieving the strategic goal of education.