我国是柿子的故乡,品种约有1000种之多,分为甜涩两大类,并有家种、野生之分,迄今已有3000多年的栽培历史。《酉阳杂俎》把柿的优点归纳为七绝:“一树多寿,二叶多荫,三无鸟巢,四无虫蠹,五霜叶可玩,六嘉实可餐,七落叶肥大,可以临书。”现代科学测定,每100克成熟的柿子果肉含有水分82.2克,蛋白质0.7克,脂肪0.1克,糖类11克,粗纤维3.1克,钙10毫克,磷19毫克,铁0.2毫克,碘49.7克,胡萝卜素0.16毫克,维生素B_10.01毫克,维生素B_20.02毫克,尼克酸0.2毫克,维生素C16毫克。柿子除鲜食外,还可制成柿饼、柿酒、柿醋等。 中医认为,柿子性寒味甘温而涩,具有清热、止渴、润肺、化痰、
China is the hometown of persimmon, about 1,000 varieties of varieties, divided into two categories of sweet astringent, and family species, the wild points, so far has more than 3,000 years of cultivation history. “Youyang miscellaneous boil,” the advantages of persimmon summarized as seven must: "a tree longevity, two leaves more shade, three no bird’s nest, four insects beetle, five frost leaves play, six real meal, seven leaves hypertrophy, you can According to modern scientific research, every 100 grams of ripe persimmons contains 82.2 grams of water, 0.7 grams of protein, 0.1 grams of fat, 11 grams of sugars, 3.1 grams of crude fiber, 10 milligrams of calcium, 19 milligrams of phosphorus, 0.2 milligrams of iron, Iodine 49.7 grams, 0.16 mg of carotene, vitamin B_10.01 mg, vitamin B_20.02 mg, niacin 0.2 mg, vitamin C16 mg. In addition to fresh persimmons, but also can be made persimmon, persimmon wine, persimmon vinegar. Chinese medicine believes that persimmon cold sweet and astringent, with heat, thirst quencher, lungs, phlegm,