企业家难当! 一年一度的官产学盛会又将于本月23日在钓鱼台国宾馆召开!记得,每次会后老总们总是喜形于色地对我说:“参加这个会只用3天,但所得信息可以管我一年!”自此,这句话也就成为了我们的矢志不逾的目标和使命。在这里,我们《中外管理》杂志社的同仁热烈欢迎企业主管到会进行信息大交流,同时衷心祝愿我们所有企业在2003年一路走好。春都集团董事长赵海均在他的专著《破解中国经济之谜》一书中很有真情实感地说“企业难做,
Entrepreneurs! Unlucky! The annual gathering of officials and students will once again be held at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse on the 23rd of this month! Remember, every time after the meeting, CEOs always say to me: ”This will only take 3 days , But the information I can manage for a year! “Since then, this sentence has become our goal and mission. Here, my colleague of ”Sino-Foreign Management“ magazine warmly welcomes the business executives to hold an exchange of information, and sincerely hope that all of our enterprises will go all the way in 2003. Zhao Haijun, chairman of Chundu Group, in his monograph ”to solve the mystery of China's economy,“ a very real feeling that ”the business is difficult to do,