
来源 :岳麓法学评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:quickz
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转基因食品安全关注的主要是食用危害风险。转基因食品的生物学特征与非转基因食品根本不同,决定无法根据实质等效原则认定其安全性。此外,实质等效原则忽视了文化意义上的风险对转基因食品健康风险决策的影响。风险防范原已成为国际社会认定改良活生物体安全的核心原则,欧盟也以风险防范原则为基础认定转基因食品的安全。我国应摈弃实质等效原则,以风险防范原则认定转基因食品的安全,建立一个科学、透明的转基因农产品健康安全的认定机构,从源头上保障转基因食品的安全。 The main concern of GM food safety is the risk of food hazards. The biological characteristics of genetically modified foods and non-genetically modified foods are fundamentally different, decided not to be based on the principle of substantive equivalence of its safety. In addition, the principle of substantial equivalence ignores the impact of cultural significance on the health risk decision-making of genetically modified foods. Risk prevention has become the core principle that the international community finds that the improvement of living organisms safety and the EU also based on the principle of risk prevention found that the safety of genetically modified foods. China should abandon the principle of substantive equivalence, identify the safety of genetically modified foods with the principle of risk prevention, and establish a scientific and transparent organ of recognition for the health and safety of genetically modified agricultural products, so as to ensure the safety of genetically modified foods from the source.
To eliminate anomalies and improve the performance of a space station remote manipulator(SSRM) used in a dynamically changeable thermal environment, we analyze
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This paper studies the multi-objective optimization of space station short-term mission planning(STMP), which aims to obtain a mission-execution plan satisfying