乔依姐姐: 您好!或许我是一个很不幸运的姑娘,因为我长了一个很明显的喉结,说话时它在脖子中间一上一下地跳动,惹得别人老用诧异的眼光盯着我。这还不算,我的眉毛生得特别稀疏,淡淡的象几根秋风中的小草。为此,我好难过,好自卑,躲在家里不敢与人交往,就是不得不和别人说话时,我也是低着头、结结巴巴的。这种自身的缺陷,使我性格孤癖,离人群越来越远。有时,我也对自己说:“不要太过悲观,这是上天造就的,认命吧,安之若泰地去生活吧……”
Joe according to sister: Hello! Perhaps I was a very unlucky girl, because I grew a very obvious Adam’s apple when it spoke in the middle of the neck beating one by one, prompting other people with a surprised look at me. This is not enough, my eyebrows were born particularly sparse, like a few autumn grass in the wind. To this end, I am so sad, so inferior, hiding at home afraid to interact with others, is to have to talk to others, I also head down, stuttering. This self-flaw, so that my personality solitary addiction, farther and farther away from the crowd. Sometimes, I also said to myself: “Do not be too pessimistic, this is created by God, take it for granted, safe to live ... ...”