5.1 18世纪英国的代表作家有笛福、斯威夫特、理查生和非尔丁等。笛福的代表作《鲁宾孙飘流记》通过鲁宾逊孤身垦殖荒岛的故事.歌颂了新兴资产阶级的开拓精神和实干特征,鲁宾孙是欧洲文学史上第一个资产阶级正面主人公。斯威夫特的代表作《格列佛游记》通过格列佛医生周游小人国、大人国和慧骃国等,尖锐批判了英国的社会制度和政治状况.表达了乌托邦的社会理想的对未来的忧虑。理查生的代表作《帕美拉》以细腻的心理描写为后来的家庭类型小说提供了范例。非尔丁的代表作《弃儿汤姆·琼斯的历史》真实全面地展现广阔的社会生活,批判残存的封建门第观念和新兴的金钱原则,是18世纪英国文学中最优秀现实主义小说。
5.1 Representative writers in the 18th century England were Defoe, Swift, Richard, and Feldin. The story of Robinson Crusoe, a masterpiece of Defoe, passed by Robinson on a deserted island, celebrating the pioneering spirit and hard work of the emerging bourgeoisie, the first positive hero of the bourgeoisie in the history of European literature. Swift’s masterpiece “Gulliver’s Travels” sharply criticized the social and political conditions in Britain through Gulliver’s journey to the Little Country, the Great and the Hui, and expresses Utopian social ideal to the future concern. Richardson’s masterpiece “Parmela” provides an example of later family-type novels with a delicate psychological description. The masterpiece “Outcast Tom Jones’ s History”, a comprehensive and complete expanse of social life, criticizes the remnant feudal ethics and emerging money principles. It is the best realistic novel of 18th century English literature.