打从盘古开天以来,华尔街几乎就是女人的禁地。纽约的金融区等于是男人专属的天,一直到了70年代,华尔街才开始看到女人慢慢地冒出头来。今天,大多数华尔街的女性金融职业者都会告诉你,客户根本就不会管你的肤色是不是绿的,眼睛是不是蓝的,或是不是从另一个星球来的。重要的是你/你的表现绩效到底好不好。话虽如此,但情况可不是一直都是这个样子。过去有好长的一段期间,华尔街根本就不聘用女性。如果女人选择到金融业工作的话,要不就得忍受无数的羞辱,要不就是工作的时间要比男同事长得多,辛苦得多,而且还得被迫接受男人们关起门来在背后指指点点的心态。特别是交易大厅,更是男人味最浓一个竞技场。不过,有个女人还是成功地挑战了这个男人操控的世界,她就是堪称华尔街女皇的席菠德(Muriel Siebert)。她是头一个在纽约证券交易所拥有会员席位的女人。这个资本主义的殿堂过去完全是由男人主导,但她在交易厅争取到这样的地位后,便永远改变了这个世界。不过,女人虽然敲开了华尔街的大门,但真正能够爬到公司最顶端,担任总裁等职务的,却还是凤毛麟角。席菠德是个例外,她自己创建了一家佣金较低的折扣经纪商,但除了她以外,还没有任何一位女性当过华尔街大型经纪商的头头。
Since the opening days of Pangu, Wall Street is almost a woman’s forbidden land. New York’s financial district is equal to a man-only day, until the 70s, Wall Street began to see women slowly come to the fore. Today, most Wall Street female financial professionals tell you that customers simply do not care if your skin color is green, the eyes are blue or not from another planet. It is important that you / your performance performance in the end good or bad. Having said that, this is not always the case. For a long time, Wall Street did not hire women at all. If women choose to work in the financial industry, they will either have to endure the myriad humiliations, or they will have to work a lot longer than their male counterparts, much harder, and have to be forced to accept the men shutting their doors behind them Pointing to the point of mind. In particular, the trading floor, it is the most concentrated men’s an arena. However, there is a woman who has successfully challenged the world dominated by this man, and she is Muriel Siebert, the Queen of the Wall Street. She is the first woman to have a seat on the New York Stock Exchange. This capitalist temple used to be dominated entirely by men, but after having won that position in the trading floor, she changed the world forever. However, although the woman knocked on the door of Wall Street, but really able to climb to the top of the company, as president and other duties, but still very rare. An exception was Xi’e De, who set up a discount broker for her own commission, but no one other than her had been a Wall Street superhero.