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1982年10月16日,全国小商品市场现场会在武汉召开。回顾工商机关恢复建制30年,这个现场会只是一个历史片段,但这个片段却书写了中国工商行政管理史册中永放光芒的一页。这次现场会,推动了全国范围内的小商品市场的开放和建设,揭开了我国工商行政管理工作全面改革开放的新篇章。历史是现在的基石和起点,历史是激励后人的最好教材,亲历汉正街小商品市场开放和武汉现场会的金邦和同志是当时的武汉市工商局局长,怀着对工商事业的热爱,在耄耋之年欣然伏案挥毫,钩沉了当年工商人在市场改革中的解放思想与改革探索,完整还原了汉正街经验在全国开花的历史脉络。本刊全文刊载金邦和同志的文章,谨以此向三十年来为工商事业和中国经济社会发展做出不懈努力,留下辉煌记忆的红盾卫士们致敬。 October 16, 1982, the National Commodity Market will be held in Wuhan. Recalling the establishment of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the industrial and commercial authorities, the scene will be just a historical fragment. However, this passage has written a page in the history of China’s industrial and commercial administration. This on-site meeting propelled the opening up and building of a nationwide commodity market and opened a new chapter in the comprehensive reform and opening up of China’s industrial and commercial administration. History is the cornerstone and starting point nowadays. History is the best teaching material to inspire future generations. Jinbang and comrades who experienced the opening of the Hanzhengjie Commodity Market and the on-site meeting in Wuhan were then the chiefs of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce in Wuhan. With their love of business and industry, The year was gladly waving the case, arousing the exploration of the emancipation thought and the reform of the businessmen in the market reforms of that year, and completely restored the historical context of the Hanzhengjie experience blooming throughout the country. All articles in this issue contain articles by Comrade Jin Bang and comrades. We would like to pay tribute to the Red Shield defenders who have made unrelenting efforts over the past 30 years in industrial and commercial undertakings and China’s economic and social development and have left brilliant memories.
“康师傅”(网上昵称)一直都很满意自己当初的选择:2003年“非典”过后,他在首都著名的 CBD 边上选中了一处楼盘,从密密麻麻的单元格子里圈出了一块自己的家。房子虽不大,只
五彩肉皮冻  原料:猪皮500克,葱1根。姜1小块,黄豆20克,青椒、红椒各半个,胡萝卜半根,八角3颗,桂皮1小块,花椒20粒,小茴香20粒,酱油、盐、糖、米醋、辣椒油均适量。  做法:  1.将猪皮洗净,放入开水中焯3分钟。捞出后冲净猪皮表面的浮沫并沥干水分,把猪皮切成宽1厘米、长5厘米的条:  2.葱切段,姜去皮切片,把八角、桂皮、花椒、小茴香放入调料包里;  3.锅中倒入清水,放入调料包,大
巧用指甲刀更卫生  为了防止剪掉的肮脏碎指甲到处乱飞,可以剪一小块透明胶带,把它贴在指甲刀的两侧,封住开口。这样剪指甲时。细碎的指甲会直接粘到透明胶带上而不会乱飞了,等用完指甲刀后直接把胶带撕下来就可以了。  巧省洗手液  准备一根皮筋,把皮筋直接缠在洗手液压嘴下面的最底部,这样就能使压嘴的高度变低。每次洗手时按压出来的量会变少,既不影响使用又能节省洗手液。  轻松去除染发剂污渍  1.去除皮肤上
本文研究了从低品位辉钼矿(MoS_2 2.1%)加压氧化碱浸提取钼(Ⅵ)酸离子.考察了温度、初始氧压和NaOH浓度对Mo浸取率的影响.实验结果表明,在NaOH浓度为0.2—0.6mol.dm~3、反应