《拆弹部队》是第一部以极为精确的手法还原美国军人在伊拉克战争中真实经历的电影作品。影片以纪录片式的镜头再现了驻守于伊拉克首都巴格达的美军中一小群专职拆除炸弹任务的精英人物——爆炸物处理组(Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team,简称EOD),体会他们不同寻常的工作性质,紧张刺激的工作环境,聆听他们的每一句话,感受他们额头上滴落的汗珠。相信这部《拆弹部队》会带给大家相当过瘾的视觉感受……
The “Bombardment Unit” was the first film to restore, in an extremely accurate manner, the true experience of U.S. soldiers in the Iraq war. The documentary documentary footage of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team (EOD), a small group of US military personnel stationed in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, understands the unusual nature of their work, Tense stimulation of the working environment, listen to them every word, feel the drops of sweat on their foreheads. I believe this “bomb disposal unit” will bring everyone a very enjoyable visual experience ...