最近我们收治一家两口接触聚氨酯漆引起哮喘性支气管炎,报告如下。 例1 女,54岁。于1995年4月25日13时用聚氨酯耐磨清漆(北京福来油漆厂生产)粉刷家中门窗及墙壁,工作半小时即感流泪、鼻塞、打喷嚏、咽痛、咳嗽、气喘、胸闷,工作1小时后上述症状加重,自以为“感冒”,服用康泰克、美喘清、新菌灵等治疗无效,咳喘逐渐加重,并出现呼吸困难、夜间不能平卧,遂于1995年4月26日2时急诊入院。既往健康,无呼吸系统疾患及过敏史。查体:
Recently, we received a family of two contacts with polyurethane paint asthma caused by bronchitis, the report is as follows. Example 1 Female, 54 years old. At 13:00 on April 25, 1995 with polyurethane wear-resistant varnish (Beijing Fulai paint factory production) whitewashes windows and doors in the home, working half an hour that tears, stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, asthma, chest tightness, work 1 Hours later, the above symptoms aggravated, taking “cold”, taking Contotek, the United States wheezing Qing, new bactericidal treatment ineffective, cough and aggravating, and breathing difficulties, can not be supine at night, then in April 26, 1995 2 emergency room admission. Past health, no respiratory disorders and allergies. Physical examination: