As Russia’s greatest poet, Russia’s founder of critical realism, and founder of modern-standard Russian Yaš Pushkin, according to Belinsky’s visualization, he, like the sea, put past the Russian literature ten million The rivers and streams of both countries merged into their own arms and opened up a new path of critical realism. It can be said that none of the great Russian writers studied Pushkin and none of the great Russian writers developed him under the influence of Pushkin , Pushkin’s creative genius not only opened the vast field of Russian literature, pointed out the correct and effective way for its future, but also crossed the national boundaries and entered the ranks of outstanding writers and activists of world literature and culture. Pushkin was born in an ancient aristocratic family in Moscow on June 6. His home was once rich, but it was already declining when the poet was born, and his father was a well-educated man, and then the literary and theater world Have a closer contact with the father himself good at poetry readings, and very successful guest performances.Pushkin’s parents indulge in high society In her lively manner, he was indifferent to the education of his children, and only gave them to the tutor and the nurse, the first to teach Pushkin his grandmother, Maria Alekseevna Ganebra, who was very clever and experienced Good education, which Pushkin learned to read and write in Russian, had a major influence on the formation of Pushkin since childhood and was not what the spirit of the French, as the bourgeois aristocrats judged, But the ancient legend that his grandmother told him. Pushkin’s nurse, Arlene Roxanne Anna