狠抓“六个突破” 促进乡镇企业快速发展

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乡镇企业如何谋求大发展、大提高?关键要有一个好的思路。近几年来,我们立足区情,理清思路,自我加压,奋起直追,加快了乡镇企业的发展步伐,取得了一定的成效。在具体工作中,我们主要是从以下六个方面突破。一、在深化改革、转机建制上突破随着市场经济的发展,乡镇企业原有的机制优势逐渐弱化,“弱质低效”的状况日趋明显。1994年,全区60%的乡村集体企业陷入亏损,部分企业濒临倒闭,名存实亡。究其原因,主要是政企不分、责权不明,厂长负盈不负亏、最后是银行负债,办一个企业背一个包袱。1995年,我们在全区开展了一次声势浩大的乡镇企业转机建制工作,并把它作为乡镇企业攻坚战第一战役的“重头戏”来抓。地委、行署首先在崇仁县试点,取得经验后在全区迅速推开。地、县、乡三级相继成立了转机建制领导小组,并从地、县党政机关抽调了近千名干部,组成上百个督导小组,下到企业帮助转制。 The key to how township and township enterprises seek great development and improvement is to have a good idea. In recent years, we have been basing ourselves on district conditions, clarified our thinking, self-pressurized, and kept on catching up with them. This has accelerated the pace of development of township and township enterprises and has achieved certain results. In the specific work, we mainly broke through the following six aspects. I. Breakthroughs in deepening reform and transformational establishment With the development of the market economy, the original institutional advantages of township and village enterprises have gradually weakened, and the situation of “weak and inefficient” has become increasingly evident. In 1994, 60% of the rural collective enterprises in the region fell into losses, and some of them were on the verge of bankruptcy and existed in name only. The reason is mainly due to the separation of government and enterprises, the unclear responsibilities and powers, the fact that the director is not responsible for any losses, and finally the bank’s liabilities. In 1995, we launched a once-in-a-lifetime transformation of township and village enterprises in the region, and took it as the “big play” of the first battle of township and village enterprises. The prefectural committee and administrative department first piloted in Chongren County and gained experience and quickly pushed it across the district. At the county, county, and township levels, successive leadership groups have been set up to establish transit organizations, and nearly a thousand cadres have been drawn from the party and government organizations at the county and county levels to form hundreds of supervision teams and work under companies to help transform the system.
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