新课导入是一堂思想品德课的开端部分,它的好坏直接关系到这堂课的成功与否。如果教师能够运用新颖恰当的方法导入新课,既可顺理成章地引出下一个环节“主题教育”中的思想观点或道德观念,又可激发学生的学习兴趣,从而为这节课的成功打下良好的基础。 小学思想品德课导入方法是由每节课的教学内容和教学目的所决定的,方法很多,这里浅由谈导入新课的几种方法:
The introduction of new curriculum is the beginning of a class of moral character, its quality is directly related to the success of this lesson. If teachers can use new and appropriate methods to introduce new courses, it can be logical to draw forth the ideas or moral concepts in the next session of “thematic education” and stimulate students' interest in learning so as to lay a good foundation for the success of this course basis. The introduction of primary school ideological and moral class method is determined by the teaching content and teaching objectives of each class, there are many ways, here are some ways to introduce the new class: