本文回顾性调查了1980~1989年在我科分娩的生后1分钟Apgar评分0~5分的窒息新生儿的病历303例,分析了窒息的相关因素。 1 新生儿窒息的相关因素 1.1 引起新生儿窒息的疾病 引起新生儿窒息的疾病主要为妊娠中毒症、过期妊娠、胎膜早破,其次为脐带缠绕。有的2种以上因素并存。
This paper retrospectively reviewed 303 medical records of asphyxial newborns with Apgar scores of 0 to 5 at 1 minute after birth in our department from 1980 to 1989. The related factors of asphyxia were analyzed. 1 neonatal asphyxia related factors 1.1 caused by neonatal asphyxia diseases caused by neonatal asphyxia diseases are mainly pregnant gestosis, overdue pregnancy, premature rupture of membranes, followed by the umbilical cord wound. Some two or more factors co-exist.