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晦涩难解的法律术语和复杂的句法结构,是法律英语的一大特点。它的自身特点给涉外律师法律文件的翻译工作带来了诸多困境,甚至导致涉外律师对法律文件翻译活动的搁浅。本文立足法律英语的自身特点,试图从法律文件的重要性、涉外律师的知识构成、法律英语自身特点、文化差异等方面论述涉外律师在法律文件翻译过程中的困境,并提出了相关的对策。 Obscure legal terms and complex syntactic structures are a hallmark of legal English. Its own characteristics bring many difficulties to the translation of legal documents of foreign lawyers and even lead foreign lawyers to run agrarian translation activities. Based on the characteristics of legal English, this article attempts to discuss the predicament of foreign lawyers in the translation of legal documents from the importance of legal documents, the constitution of knowledge of foreign lawyers, the characteristics of legal English and cultural differences, and puts forward some countermeasures.
This article studies the soil moisture conditions of 30 years artificial Robinia pseudoacacia in the north of Shaanxi under different climate conditions in orde
下向分层充填法,采用这种采矿法开采时,矿床分为宽40m 和长60m 的矿块。矿块高取为矿床厚度。上部、下部盘区平巷用联络道和天井联通。在分层中央和矿块两翼掘进切割巷道而
ⅣCheckthefollowingletterofcreditwiththegivencontracttermsandwritealetterinEnglishaskingfora-mendment:TrustBankNewYorkDate:June1 IVCheck thefollowingletterofcreditwiththegivencontracttermsandwritealetterinEnglishaskingfora-mendment: TrustBankNewYorkDate:
矿床是由几条沿走向起伏不大的花岗岩类矿脉组成的,矿脉厚度5~25米,通常是倾斜和急倾斜的。这些矿脉多半是留保安矿柱进行回采。这就决定了必须充填采空区。 The deposit is
中国价格信息中心单位:元  圆 钢16,Q235吨螺纹钢18,Q235吨角 钢40X40,Q235吨线 材6.5,Q235A吨普中板10,Q235A吨热薄板(平板)1,Q235A吨冷薄板(平板)1,Q195-Q235吨平均价格2433.942424.86 China Price Information Center Unit: Yuan Yuan Steel 16, Q23
The Qooshchi area lies to northwest of Orumieh Lake in western Azerb ai jan, NW Iran. A basement metamorphic complex, consisting of Precambrian schists and gne