The existing automatic control method of the work process of the single bucket loader cannot guarantee that the bucket is fully filled, nor can it reduce the power on the working mechanism of the machine. According to this method, the scooping force of the bucket is measured, and this force is transmitted from the arm via the connecting rod to the sender of the scooping-in force, and the obtained signal is transmitted to the roller contactor of the lifting mechanism for the switch-on signal. The figure below shows the loader remote control system diagram for automated cutting process. The shovel force transmitters ДУ_1 and ДУ_2 installed under the arm link are used to control the shoveling force and manipulate the electromagnet contactors ПК_1 and ПК_2, which are used to control the left and right rollers of the lifting mechanism. By pressing the buttons on the console, remote control of the rollers can be accomplished with the aid of relays PП_1 and PП_2. To reduce the wires in the remote control circuit