Analysis on the problems and countermeasures of China's bond market

来源 :China’s foreign Trade·下半月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:teamworkhlc
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  Abstract : Bond market is a place for issuing and trading bonds, it is also an important part of the financial markets. Bond market is an integral part of a country's financial system, a mature and uniform bond market constitutes the basis for a national financial markets. Bond market's development plays an important role in the process of marketization of Chinese financial system. The paper analyzed some problems in the bond market and gave some suggestions in developing and perfecting China's bond market at the same time.
  Keywords : bond, problem, countermeaures
  1.Brief description of the bond market
  Bond market is a place for issuing and trading bonds, it is also an important part of the financial markets. Bond market is an integral part of a country's financial system, a mature and uniform bond market can afford low-risk investment and financing tools for investors and fund-raisers in the whole society; bond yield curve is the benchmark of all the financial proceeds of goods in socio-economic level, therefore,bond market is important carrier which can conduct Central Bank's monetary policy.
  2.Current situation of bond market's development in China
  2.1 Issuing scare rapidly expanded
  China 's bond market has experienced several ups and downs in the end of last century, the issuing scale in 1990's was small and the growth was unstable. Since the beginning of 21st century, the issuance scare of China's bond market has enjoyed a rapid growth, especially for enterprise bond market in 2009, showing a trend of rapid development, offering nearly $ 1.6 trillion, increased by 79.66% compared to the same period last year, meanwhile, corporate bonds, especially local government bond also issued nearly 300 times more than ever before.
  2.2 Diversification of issuing structure
  In the first half of 2009-2010, there have been great changes in China's bond varieties. Floating rate MTN, medium-term notes with terms of redemption terms and accompanied by a back progressive rate, SME collection bills and within dollar medium-term note were in public for the first time in 2009; medium-term bills which issued by guarantee also available for the first time.
  2.3 Relative concentration of bond distribution
  Government bonds represent a significant advantage judging from the body of the bonds. New bonds issued in 2009 were mostly government bonds while issuance scale of corporate bond was small, so it showed the basic characteristic of "strong government bonds, weak corporate bonds". Most bonds were concentrated in industrial areas in terms of bonds' industry distribution, the proportion reached 39.21%, followed by the financial sector which size was 19.81%. From the distribution area of bond, by 2010, regional distribution of China's bond was generally as: bonds focused on North China reached 38.78%, East China 32.93%, bond markets in less developed central and western regions were more backward.   2.4 Overall bond credit rating higher
  China's bond credit rating system has undergone major changes in 2009, this has prompted migration of some enterprise bond credit rating. a total of 94 credit migration happened in 2009, 92 of them increased credit level with only two reduced it, however, almost all bonds were at AA credit level or above.
  3.Problems in China's bond market
  3.1 Small size of the market
  China's bond market still had large gaps
  compared to other emerging economies such as the United States and Japan judging from the relative size. At the end of 2009, United States' total bond balance was approximately 1.8 times of GDP, Japan's was about 2.3 times of GDP, France and Korea's were both about 1.1 times of GDP, Malaysia and Singapore were also more than 80%,however, china's was only for 52.5%, less than one-fourth of Japan's, one-third of United States', one-second of France and Korea's, only 60% of Malaysia and Singapore's.
  3.2 Lack of liquidity in the market
  China's bond market was still lack of liquidity although it was expanded rapidly in recent years, China's bond market's year exchange rate were all below 2.5 from 1997 to 2009, the revenue of interbank managed market reached 11.2452 trillion yuan at the end of 2009 while the trading volume of coupon was 10.9216 trillion yuan a year, annual exchange rate was only 118%. United States' treasury balances reached 4.5436 trillion $ in 2009, trading volumes was up to 180 trillion for the year, furthermore , exchange rate was as high as 46. This indicated that the market's transaction in china was not active.
  3.3 Unbalanced development of bond market
  The structure of China's bond market was imbalance over the years, government bonds accounted for 60% of the total bond market, financial bonds accounted for around 35%, while corporate bonds was less than 5%.,treasuries and financial bond markets developed faster than corporate bond market, corporate bonds market was particularly lagging behind. China's bond market assets totaled $ 8.7 trillion at the end of 2009, only accounted for 35.3% of GDP that year, well below the levels in mature markets abroad. Chinese bond market structure was also unreasonable, government bonds, policy-oriented financial bonds and the average financial bonds accounted for 90.3% in the total amount of the Chinese bond market at the end of 2009, corporate bonds totaled only 425.233 billion dollars, accounted for 5.2% of the total amount of the bond market, other new products such as asset-backed securities, convertible bonds accounted for only 4.6%.   3.4 Low efficiency of regulation
  Operating mechanism of China's bond market was largely controlled by government, so there were more difficulties in operating market mechanism. there are more than one management sector in terms of issuing systems and different departments' approval rules vary greatly, this created different bond issuing approval standards. In addition, corporate bonds' issuing was generally continued to follow the lines of administrative approval system; Lack of liquidity of treasury bonds market and incomplete of the yield curve resulted in lacking of necessary interest rate benchmark in bonds' issuance and trading, these factors impeding the development of the bond market to a certain extent. There are also a lot of problems in terms of bond trading mechanisms. Bond trading was less efficient and high in liquidity costs due to less connectivity among interbank bond market, exchange bond market and the banking counter bond market.
  4.Countermeasures and suggestions on perfecting China's bond market
  4.1 Increase type of bonds
  There is no real sense of corporate bonds in the market in addition to a small amount of convertible bonds in China, the new revision of the company law and securities law almost had no restrictions on corporate-bond issuers. In order to develop corporate bonds we should straighten out the release mechanism and make release conditions according to the market requirements; improving credit rating system, establishing investor voting online rating system, monitoring moral hazard of rating agencies; implementing issue sponsor system, dealers should take on secondary market-making obligations, improving market liquidity as well as controlling moral hazard; accelerating corporate bond's variety innovation, introducing credit, mortgage bonds and floating rate bonds; improving information disclosure and security mechanisms, protecting investors ' interests.
  4.2 Improving liquidity of bond market
  Major initiatives: first, improving the do-
  mestic bond market's micro-structure. Second, improving the situation that investors in domestic bond market were single. Third, building a reasonable exchange rate formation mechanism. Fourth, readjust the tax treatment rationally.
  4.3 Cancel strict controls on corporate
  In order to change the situation that corporate bond issuance was too small to meet the needs of enterprise financing conditions, we should not limit the amount of corporate bonds' issuance. The interest rate, financing scale and duration should be based on market interest rates, their own financial situation and financing needs. We can have an appropriate relaxation of approval conditions in issuing corporate bonds under the strict conditions of corporate information disclosure ,these enterprises including non-financial enterprises and private companies, moreover, we should phase out administrative approval system and allow eligible enterprises offering private bonds.   4.4 Adjusting structure of bond market
  In order to adjust the structure, it is necessary to vigorously develop the corporate bond market. Second, it is necessary to reform the current management model of corporate bonds, including reforming examination and approval procedures, reducing the administrative control of corporate bonds gradually; Third, it is necessary to draw on lessons from the stock market, reducing administrative intervention on corporate bond market and ensuring a true disclosure of the information.
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【摘要】 随着我国加入WTO,社会主义市场经济的逐步发展和完善,会计在市场经济中的作用日益突出,因此,保证会计信息的真实性,在最大范围内防止会计信息失真,既有重要的现实意义,也是当前会计改革的一项重要内容。  【关键词】 会计信息 失真 治理途径  1. 企业会计信息失真的含义及危害  所谓会计信息失真,是指会计信息没有真实地反映客观的经济活动,从而给会计信息的使用者提供了虚假的情况,给决策者们制
【摘要】 本文就网络环境下会计电算化安全所存在的问题进行了深入的探讨,认为目前网络会计电算化安全问题主要包括计算机安全威胁、法律法规的缺失以及人为制造威胁等。在此基础上,本文阐述了解决网络会计电算化安全问题的主要策略,即提高会计人员的计算机水平、采用先进的安全技术、严格的组织控制以及电算化安全制度的构建,以建立高效完备的会计信息系统。  【关键词】 会计电算化 网络 安全问题  引言:  今天,信
【摘要】 现在建筑施工企业的内部会计管理,不但在保证资金和确保会计资料的真实性上起着作用,并且在促进管理效益提高方面也有着不容忽视的重要作用。  【关键词】 建筑施工企业 会计管理 问题 对策  1.建筑施工单位会计管理的意义  会计管理,是以企业现在和未来的资金运动为对象,以提高经济效益为目的,以向企业内部管理者提供经营管理决策科学依据为目标而进行的经济管理活动,是企业为了提高会计信息质量,保护
【摘要】 现代企业财务分析中,阶段必要的经济活动分析是很有必要的。对企业经营过程存在的问题要逐一展开探讨,分析问题存在的源头,解决问题所在。  【关键词】 财务指标 措施 建议  2011年上半年,公司在党委的直接领导下,克服了原材料持续上扬、业务承接量不足等诸多不利因素的影响,实现营业收入1669万元,营业利润-298万元。  从资产状况来看,截止6月末,资产总额 23,566万元,资产结构(流
【摘要】 从会计信息质量和会计信息失真的关系入手,剖析了会计信息质量低下的成因。基于价值链会计的核心理念,指出价值链会计可以有效应对会计信息失真问题,并提出了实施价值链会计的政策建议。  【关键词】 会计信息 会计失真 价值链  1. 会计信息质量与会计信息失真  会计信息具有经济后果,会计报告会对股东、政府、债权人等利益相关者及企业本身决策行为产生巨大影响,而不只是反映决策结果。会计信息质量是指
【摘要】 工程结算是控制工程造价的重要环节之一。本文从收集资料及现场勘察等多方面进行去阐述如何才能做好工程结算审核工作,使工程造价更加合理。  【关键词】 工程结算 现场 审核 定额 差价  工程结算审核是最终确定建设造价的重要工作之一,其准确性直接影响到业主及承包商双方的合法权益。业主则是希望能以最少的投资获取最大的经济效益,但承包商却希望尽可能地多计算费用便可获取更高的利益。客观、公平、合理是
【摘要】 随着现代高科技广泛被应用于生产,电脑化、自动化、信息化程度显著提高,加上全面质量管理制度的实施,给企业成本的计量工作以猛烈 中击,加强成本核算与控制成为现代企业管理的核心内容。然而,我国企业成本核算现状不容乐观,亟待提高和完善。  【关键词】 企业 成本核算 现状 完善  随着我国经济的发展,成本会计方法也面临着重大的挑战。成本核算是企业管理和财务核算中最重要,也是最复杂的问题之一。  
【摘要】 会计信息是否真实直接关系到决策者的决策及其后果,所以會计信息的真实性是保证信息使用者做出正确决策的基本前提和条件。本文详细分析了会计信息失真所带来的危害以及造成失真的具体成因,最后针对性的提出了几点治理对策,以期给广大读者提供可以借鉴的参考。  【关键词】 会计信息 失真 危害 成因 对策  所谓的会计信息失真,即指的是会计信息未能对客观经济活动作出真实反映,从而提供给信息使用者一种虚假
【摘要】 企业持有生产性生物资产期间由于生物自然的生长、繁殖和退化而导致其数量和质量不断发生变化,这种特殊性导致了生产性生物资产的会计核算比一般固定资产的核算更为复杂,而目前生产性生物资产折旧的大部分会计核算和一般资产相同,未能充分反映和体现生产性生物资产生物转化的特殊性。本研究以生产性生物资产折旧方法为主要研究内容,通过对不同的折旧方法予以深入研究和对比分析,试图提出最符合生物资产特点的折旧方法
【摘要】 信息技术在为人类带来益处的同时,也会带来一定的风险。实施会计信息化审计,加强对会计信息化信息系统运作的有效监督,对防范信息系统的风险将起到一定的作用。目前,多数企业,没有充分认识到会计信息化审计的积极意义和效益,对会计信息化审计的必要性认识不足,从而使会计信息化审计工作没有引起足够的重视。本文从会计信息化审计的“目标、特点、策略、前景”四个方面进行分析探讨。  【关键词】 会计 信息化