1970年前后出生的年轻艺术家在绘画创作认识上显得自由轻松,他们的人生经历与时代环境使他们有理由卸掉在艺术形态认识上的诸多壁垒与障碍, 他们在中西艺术之间自由穿梭,寻找自己艺术的切合点。肖蓝即是属于这一群年轻人之列。肖蓝本科、研究生阶段学的都是国画,虽是专攻国画,但他偏爱看西方画册与书籍.有的是宣纸、毛笔却偏爱西方艺术家的风格造型。困而肖蓝展现在我们面前的创作有别于一般意义上的中国画创作, 形成自己独特的绘画面貌。
Young artists born before and after 1970 are free and easy to understand in painting creation. Their life experiences and times environment make them justified to remove many barriers and obstacles in understanding of artistic forms. They freely shuttle between Chinese and Western art to find Meet your own art. Xiao Lan belong to this group of young people. Xiao Lan undergraduate, graduate school are all Chinese painting, although specializing in traditional Chinese painting, but he prefers to see Western albums and books, some are rice paper, writing brush, but the Western style of the artist’s favor. Sleepy and Xiao Lan show the creation in front of us is different from the general sense of Chinese painting creation, form their own unique painting appearance.