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一、关于监督检查不正当竞争行为的行政机关 1.行政主管机关与其他行政机关的关系 《反不正当竞争法》第3条2款规定:“县级以上人民政府工商行政管理部门对不正当竞争行为进行监督检查;法律、行政法规规定由其他部门监督检查的,依照其规定。”由此可见,监督检查不正当竞争行为的行政主管机关是县级以上人民政府工商行政管理部门。至于对部份不正当竞争行为有监督检查权的其他行政机关一般是产品质量管理部门、药品行政管理部门、食品卫生监督管理部门、专利管理部门、版权管理部门等。 I. The Administrative Organs that Supervise and Insult against Unfair Competition 1. The Relationship between the Administrative Authorities and Other Administrative Authorities Article 3, paragraph 2, of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law stipulates: “The industrial and commercial administrative department of the people’s government at or above the county level shall be guilty of misconduct Competition, conduct supervision and inspection; laws and administrative regulations under the supervision and inspection by other departments, in accordance with its provisions. ”Thus, the supervision and inspection of unfair competition is the administrative authority of the people’s government above the county level business administration. The other administrative organs that have the power of supervision and inspection on some acts of unfair competition are generally the departments of product quality control, drug administration, food hygiene supervision and administration, patent administration, and copyright administration.
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