炭疽病是辣椒主要病害的一种,我国南、北方均有发生。对辣椒高产优质影响很大。炭疽病主要为害辣椒果实,也为害叶片,盛果期发生最多,它不但使辣椒减产,而且使质量不好,收益降低。 (一)辣椒炭疽病类型。此病按发病症状有如下三种类型: 1.黑色炭疽病。发病初期,叶片(特别是老叶)产生褪绿色水渍状斑点,后逐渐扩大呈园形病斑,边缘褐色,中央灰白色,斑面轮生黑色小粒点;果实上病斑褐色,呈水渍状,病斑长园形或不规则形,稍凹陷、有稍隆起的同心环纹,斑面上生黑色小粒点;干燥时,叶片及果实上的病斑状似牛皮纸。
Anthracnose is one of the main diseases of pepper, both in our country and in the north. Pepper high yield and quality a great influence. Anthracnose is mainly harmful to the peppers, but also to the leaves of pests, which takes the most part in the fruit-bearing period. It not only reduces the yield of peppers, but also leads to poor quality and reduced returns. (A) pepper anthrax type. Symptoms of the disease by the onset of the following three types: 1. Black anthracnose. Early onset, the leaves (especially the old leaves) produce fade greenish water-like spots, and then gradually enlarged was park-shaped lesions, brown edge, the central gray, black spots on the surface of the black spot; brown spots on the fruit, was water stains Shaped, irregular or slightly curved lesions, slightly depressed, a slightly elevated concentric rings, black spots on the surface of small particles; dry, the leaves and the fruit-like lesions like kraft paper.