《说文解字》的作者许慎,对汉字的产生,有过如下说明:古者庖牺氏之王天下也,仰则现象于天,俯则观法于地,视鸟兽之迹与地之宜,近取诸身,远取诸物,于是始作易八卦,以垂宪象。及神农氏结绳为治而统其事,庶业其繁,饰伪萌生。黄帝之史仓颉,见鸟兽蹄迒之 ,知分理之可相别异也,初造书契,百工以义,万品以察,盖取诸『夬』。这段文字,综合了古代诸种文献,『古者……八卦』、『书契……以察』,都来自《易·系辞下》,只
Xu Shen, the author of Shuowen Jie Zi, has the following explanations on the generation of Chinese characters: The ancient king, the king of the Sacrifice of the World, also relies on the phenomenon of heaven, To the appropriate, take the body, away from all things, so the beginning of easy gossip to vertical Constitution. And Shen Nong knot rope rule for its sake, Shuye its complex, decorated with pseudo-sprout. The history of the Yellow Emperor Cang Jie, see the beast of birds and beasts, the division of differences can also be known, the beginning of the book contract, the work of justice, everything in order to observe, cover for “夬.” This passage, which combines ancient documents, “the ancient gossip”, “the book ... ... in order to observe,” comes from “easy speech” and only