《易经》是上古占筮的工具书。凭借其特有的迷信色彩,不仅幸免了秦火的浩劫,且躲过了后世学者的篡改。经历代学者考证,经文的筮辞部分为商末周初的作品,是研究西周历史的珍贵原始资料。 筮辞是指示吉凶休咎的文字。《易经》的筮辞,通过论述历史故事、当时人们的行为或事件,以及运用比兴、借喻手法等方式指示人们的吉凶祸福,反映了当时的社会观念并记录了一些客观的社会现实。《易经》的筮辞共计450条,涉及到婚姻家庭方面的内容有近40条之多,认真分析这些筮辞,不仅能看到父权家长制在西周的确立和强化,而且母权制观念的残存也有极其鲜明的表现。只有看到这两个侧面,才能勾勒出西周婚姻家庭制度较为完整、清晰的轮廓。
“Book of Changes” is a reference to ancient books. By virtue of its unique superstition, it not only spared the catastrophe of the Qin fire but also escaped the tampering of later generations of scholars. Through the study of the scholar, the text part of the scriptures is the works from the end of the Zhou Dynasty to the beginning of Zhou Dynasty, which is a precious source of information for the study of the history of the Western Zhou Dynasty.筮 speech is a sign of good and bad words. The excuse of “I Ching” expresses the good and bad fortune of people by means of discussing the historical story, the people’s behavior or event at that time, and using the method of bixing and metaphor, which reflects the social conception of the time and records some objective social reality . There are about 450 articles of the Book of Changes, involving nearly 40 articles on marriage and family. A careful analysis of these words can not only see the establishment and strengthening of patriarchal paternity in the Western Zhou Dynasty, but also the concept of matriarchy The remnants also have extremely sharp performance. Only seeing these two sides can we outline a more complete and clear outline of the marriage and family system in the Western Zhou Dynasty.