社会主义社会的社会发展理论,不仅是马克思主义经典作家的理论遗产,也是过去历史经验的总结和共产主义形态进一步发展的纲领。根据走上社会主义建设道路的各国的历史经验,可把革命的变革(确切地说,就是革命先锋队取得政权的道路)分为四种形式:1,通过无产阶级的武装起义(苏联的十月社会主义革命);2,通过解放战争(东欧各人民民主国家);3,通过共产党领导的游击战争(中国和印度支那国家);4,通过发展和深入进行反帝革命(古巴)。所有这些革命都具有一系列共同特点: 1、政治领域和意识形态领域的革命
The theory of social development in socialist society is not only the theoretical legacy of the classical Marxist writers, but also the summary of past historical experiences and the program for the further development of communist forms. According to the historical experiences of all countries embarking on the path of socialist construction, the revolutionary changes (to be precise, the road to political power of the revolutionary vanguard) can be divided into four forms: 1. Through the armed uprisings of the proletariat Month socialist revolution; 2) the adoption of the war of liberation (the peoples of Democracies in Eastern Europe); 3 the guerrilla war led by the Communist Party (China and Indochina); and 4 the development and deepening of the anti-imperialist revolution (Cuba). All of these revolutions share a series of common features: 1. Revolutions in the political and ideological fields