Silent love 沉默的父爱

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  [海 词 积 累]
  1.acetylene n. 乙炔
  2.hiss v. 发嘶嘶声
  3.locomotive n. 机车;火车头
  4.molten adj. 熔融的
  5.swarmed v. 蜂拥;涌动
  After Mom died, I began visiting Dad every morning before I went to work.
  He was weak and moved slowly, but he always had a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice on the kitchen table for me, along with an unsigned note reading, “Drink your juice.” Such a gesture, I knew, was as far as Dad had ever been able to go in expressing his love. In fact, I remember, as a kid I had questioned Mom, “Why doesnt Dad love me!”Mom frowned. “Who said he doesnt love you!”
  “Well, he never tells me,” I complained.
  “He never tells me either,” she said smiling, “but look how hard he works to take care of us, to buy us food and clothes, and to pay for this house. Thats how your father tells us he loves us.”
  Then Mom held me by the shoulders and asked, “Do you understand!”I nodded slowly. I understood in my head, but not in my heart. I still wanted my father to put his arms around me and tell me he loved me.
  Dad owned and operated a small scrap metal business, and after school I often hung around while he worked. I always hoped hed ask me to help and then praise me for what I did. He never asked. His tasks were too dangerous for a young boy to attempt, and Mom was already worried enough that hed hurt himself. Dad fed scrap steel into a device that chopped it as cleanly as a butcher chops a rack of ribs. The machine looked like a giant pair of scissors, with blades thicker than my fathers body. If he didnt feed those terrifying blades just right, he risked serious injury.
  “Why dont you hire someone to do that for you?” Mom asked Dad one night as she bent over him and rubbed his aching shoulders with a strong smelling liniment(鎮痛油).
  “Why dont you hire a cook?” Dad asked, giving her one of his rare smiles.
  Mom straightened and put her hands on her hips.
  “Whats the matter, Ike? Dont you like my cooking?”
  “Sure I like your cooking. But if I could afford a helper, then you could afford a cook.”
  Dad laughed, and for the first time I realized that my father had a sense of humor.
  The chopping machine wasnt the only hazard in his business. He had an acetylene torch for cutting thick steel plates and beams. To my ears the torch hissed louder than a steam locomotive, and when he used it to cut through steel, it blew off thousands of tiny pieces of molten metal that swarmed around him like angry fireflies.   Many years later, during my first daily visit, after drinking the juice my father had squeezed for me, I walked over, hugged him and said, “I love you, Dad.” From then on I did this every morning. My father never told me how he felt about my hugs, and there was never any expression on his face when I gave them.
  Then one morning, pressed for time, I drank my juice and made for the door.
  Dad stepped in front of me and asked, “Well!”
  “Well what?”
  I asked, knowing exactly what. “Well!” he repeated, crossing his arms and looking everywhere but at me.
  I hugged him extra hard. Now was the right time to say what Id always wanted to.
  “Im fifty years old, Dad, and youve never told me you love me.”
  My father stepped away from me.
  He picked up the empty juice glass, washed it and put it away.
  “Youve told other people you love me,” I said. “But Ive never heard it from you.”
  Dad looked uncomfortable—very uncomfortable. I moved closer to him.
  “Dad, I want you to tell me you love me.”
  Dad took a step back, his lips pressed together.
  He seemed about to speak, and then shook his head.
  “Tell me!” I shouted.
  “All right I love you!” Dad finally blurted,his hands fluttering like wounded birds. And in that instant something occurred that I had never seen happen in my life. His eyes glistened, and then overflowed. I stood before him, stunned and silent. Finally, after all these years, my heart joined my head in understanding. My father loved me so much that just saying so made him weep, which was something he never, ever wanted to do, least of all in front of family.
  Mom had been right.
  Every day of my life Dad had told me how much he loved me by what he did and what he gave.
  “I know, Dad,” I said. “I know.” And now at last I did.
  Has your father ever said that he loves you?Do you think he really loves you in a special way?Why?
他是历史上第一批,因为足球而选择成为中国人的外国人。李可出道自阿森纳青训营,踢过英超,还曾是英格兰U19国家队主力成员,可如今他为北京国安效力,并代表中国国家队出征2022年世界杯预选赛。  这样的身份转变原本是偶然甚至突兀的,但在李可身上却又存在着一种必然:他的母亲是广东移民二代,他身上有一半华裔血统,并长眷一幅具有东方挣色的脸庞。他为人处世低调谦和,总在尝试融入。对热衷于血统论的国人而言,他有
平面几何是研究数学的基本内容之一,在现实生活中,几何知识应用广泛. 高中数学的解析几何、立体几何都与平面几何知识密切相关. 解析几何是把平面图形与平面直角坐标系紧密结合起来,体现了数形结合思想. 立体几何中的求角、求距离,以及证明问题等都要用到平面几何的有关知识. 针对高中数学学习的需要,在这里对平面几何知识作必要的补充,以使同学们打好基础,更好地学好高中几何.
不断探索面料的物理效果潜力和工艺上的无限艺术性创新一直是Craig Greem的设计追求。新一季的Moncler Genius合作系列,这位“爱搭服装积木”的戏谑家再次展现了他对艺术性着装的独特表达方式。從帐篷、风帆摄取灵感,将绳索装饰和建筑式结构等个人签名式设计发挥到极致。再坚固的帐篷和风帆都不如将Craig Green的设计穿在身上安全,它能带给你“窒息”般的温暖体验。像艺术品一样,极致克制,
摘 要:结构性教学是促进学生数学生命自然生长的教学。基于学生立场,教师要解读教材的知识结构、方法结构和思想结构。通过过程重塑、结构重组以及反思重构,实施结构化教学。通过结构化教学,不仅让学生获得“知识链”,而且让学生更多地获得“能力块”“素养群”。  关键词:小学数学;教材结构;教学结构  所谓“结构”,是指“事物各组成部分的序列、搭配”。瑞士著名教育心理学家皮亚杰在《结构主义》一书中深刻地指出:
“很久以前”烧烤店老板宋吉  在两场小龙虾节之间,现代商圈的冲击与餐饮连锁品牌的扩张中,不少老板都觉得簋街在几次街道整改中丢失了许多烟火气。即使媒体自媒体们对这条街的评价是餐饮同质化与风光不再,不少老店依然有漂亮故事:王菲、贝克汉姆、成龙什么时候来过。簋街夜市盛况依然在每年夏天都会被拿出来谈论。  传闻中在簋街最早开始24小时营业的“晓林火锅”的门口,依然立着两个小鬼雕塑,还有块刻着“鬼街”历史的
“大”收藏家冯梦波  “北京人、艺术家、收藏家”,如果你这么介绍冯梦波,他可能会开玩笑更正你,“写收藏家还是不够劲儿,大收藏家感觉厉害多了”。就像他刚开设的公众号名字一样。“大收藏家”冯梦波计划“每天推送一篇,一年写300篇,积少成多出本书”。  冯梦波家里到底有多少物件呢?策展人卢悦曾说他的家是个博物馆,冯梦波每一时期的爱好都陈列其中:书籍、海报、画片、模型、电子游戏、玩具,还有乐器等(据说足够
日式烧烤有讲究  日本料理中食不厌精的精神头儿深入到每一个细节,烧烤自然也不例外,在开始你的口式烧烤之前,先来学习一下分类吧。  日式烤肉  又称“日式烧肉”。高品质的食材是第一位,与韩式烤肉需要提前腌制不同,传统日式烤肉的肉类一般是当场切割,放上烤炉前才刷上调味汁,或者略略撒盐,或者干脆直接放到置于炭火上的铁丝网上烤制,烤好后蘸取酱汁和调味粉食用,因此日本和牛成了烤肉界最为吸睛的明星产品——油脂
主题感知·素养解读  “恰同學少年,风华正茂;书生意气,挥斥方遒。指点江山,激扬文字,粪土当年万户侯。”这段文字最能说明青少年的力量。少年,无论国籍,都是世界的未来和希望。今天我们一起走近了不起的学生们——青少年篇。
[精彩导读]  毫无目标的幼年生活、颠沛流离的漂泊岁月、屡被社会抛弃的心酸历程,这个少年能承受常人难以忍受的磨难吗?他会一直命运多舛吗?  欲戴王冠,必承其重。  一起开启回忆之旅,阅读有温度的文字,在眼泪与期待、挫折与倔强中感受传奇的力量吧。  未读先知  1.reveal v.透露;显示  2.uncertainty n. 不确定性;不肯定  3.mysteriously adv. 神秘地  
设计师品牌PRIVATE POLICY 2019秋冬伦敦现场直击  伦敦时间,2019年1月6日——《智族GQ》携中国新生代设计师品牌PRIVATEPOLICY在伦敦男装周发布2019秋冬季全新系列。  自2012年起,《智族GQ》不断挖掘新生代的中国优秀设计师,以“GQPRESENTS”项目为新兴设计师的发布平台,从中选取优秀者,帮助他们走上国际时装周的T台。伴随着中国在全球时尚市场影响力的提升