Study on the cohesion and coherence in English teaching between junior middle school and vocational

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  【摘 要】 English in junior middle school is the basis of English in vocational school. As the current situation of vocational school students’ English is unsatisfactory after they graduate from junior middle school and the study on the cohesion and coherence in English teaching between junior middle school and vocational school is a little. According to the current situation, this paper aims to search the ways of connecting junior middle school English teaching and vocational school English teaching. We can find the relationship between junior middle school English teaching and vocational school English teaching and the ways to help the vocational school students learn English well.
  【关键词】English junior middle school English teaching vocational school English teaching
  1 The current situation
  1.1 The current situation of learning English in vocational school
  With the development of the society, English, which as a kind of international language, become more and more important in the people’s life and work. And the education departments begin to pay attention to English teaching in compulsory education. After students graduate from middle school, some of them will go to vocational school. Students in vocational school also need to learn English. However, the result of English teaching is unsatisfactory. Why? To begin with, English is ignored in many vocational schools. Furthermore, many students are not interested in English. The last but not the least is that students, teachers, schools and even the society don’t pay much attention to vocational school’s English teaching. Do the students want to learn English well? Undoubtedly the answer is yes. How to improve the students’ English?
  1.2 The background of study (on cohesion and coherence in English teaching between junior middle school and vocational school)
  Many studies on this kind of problems focuses on the teaching methods, learning strategies and so on instead of focusing on the cohesion and coherence in English teaching between junior middle school and vocational school.
  2 Analysis of the problem
  2.1 The reasons of the incohesion and incoherence in English teaching between junior middle school and vocational school
  2.1.1 Students
  The English foundation of vocational school students is different. Most of them graduate from middle school, no matter they come from urban area or rural area. As is known to all the quality of teaching in urban area is better than in rural area. Therefore, the English of junior middle school graduates are different. There may be the students who graduate from other vocational school or senior high school. Thus, these students’ English is better than junior middle school graduate students. For the pressure of enrolling new students, there may be the students who recognize the importance of study after they came to the society. When they go back to the campus, they are serious with their study, especially their professional courses. However, their English is poor for they lack of years’ English learning. It is obvious that the students’ different English make the teaching more difficult.   2.1.2 Teachers
  English is not the professional course. Vocational school English teachers will not have the pressure of entering higher schools for the students goes to the society instead of entering higher schools. Therefore many vocational school teachers just pay attention to the language points of the text and don’t make any teaching demands.
  2.1.3 Schools
泰戈尔说过 “是水的载歌载舞使鹅卵石臻于完美”。使幼儿这些可爱的“鹅卵石”臻于完美的“水”就是教师自身的人文素养。教师的人文素养提升了,对幼儿的人文教育就如春风化雨,水到渠成。《幼儿园教育指导纲要》强调:“幼儿园教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,是我国学校教育和终身教育的奠基阶段,要为幼儿一生的发展打好基础。”作为幼儿的启蒙老师,必须具备符合时代和幼儿发展需求的人文素养。  一、什么是人文素养  人文
《苏州园林》被选入义务教育课程标准实验教科书八年级上册第三单元。叶圣陶先生从游览者的角度,概括出数量众多、各具匠心的苏州园林共同的特点为“务必使游览者无论站在哪一个点上,眼前总是一幅完美的图画,”进而从多方面多角度对其进行说明。  一、从全文内容看,《苏州园林》运用了“分要点”说明的方法  分要点说明,就是从分说的角度,对说明对象进行显性的或隐性的“一点”“两点”“三点”“四点”……式的解说,几个
设计意图:  通过对新省编教材的学习,逐渐领会其内涵,以《纲要》内容为准绳,结合本园的实际情况,设计了本次活动,与广大幼教工作者商榷。  活动背景:  幼儿园的种植园里,萝卜丰收了。从开始到收获,幼儿一直都参与其中。在整个过程中,幼儿基本了解了萝卜的生长过程。但为了更好地体现《纲要》精神,充分利用周围环境资源,注重综合性、生活性,所以设计了这次活动。活动较好地渗透了艺术、社会、语言、科学等领域的内
特别关注    聚焦清华大学百年校庆   胡锦涛总书记在清华大学百年校庆上讲话   实现中华民族伟大复兴,科技是关键,人才是核心,教育是基础。不断提高质量,是高等教育的生命线。要全面提高高等教育质量,必须大力提升人才培养水平;必须大力增强科学研究能力;必须大力服务经济社会发展;必须大力推进文化传承创新。总之,我国高等学校要把提高质量作为教育改革发展最核心最紧迫的任务,完善中国特色现代大学制度。 我
在传统教学中,老师是权威,老师说的就是对的,长此以往,就会造成学生有问题不敢问,到后来根本就没有问题问,成为知识的被动接受者。而新课程标准要求我们教师要转变思想,让学生创新,让学生探索。  据报道,在对北京10所中学的1200名学生学习问卷调查中,敢于课后向老师提出问题的学生占66.8%,敢于课堂向老师提出问题的学生占21.5%,敢于当堂纠正老师错误的学生仅占5.5%。一位外籍老师在谈到中外学生差
【摘 要】写作是高中语文的重要组成部分,其重要性毋庸置疑。对于高中阶段的学生写好作文往往“难于上青天”,针对学生在写作上的这一困境,笔者结合高中语文新课标以及多年的教学实践,就如何克服写作难题进行初步探讨并提出相应策略。  【关键词】高中 语文 写作 策略  作文作为高中语文的重要组成部分一直以来在教学上和写作上困扰着大多数教师和学生,“作文难教、作文難写”则已成为多数师生心里的真实写
【摘 要】《计算机应用基础》作为中职学校的公共基础课,为让这门课程更好地适应目前学生的现状,适应教学改革的要求,我结合教学实践将“任务驱动”教学法引入该课程的教学中。理论精讲,采用案例和任务,在实践教学中应用任务驱动的教学方法,培养学生的学习兴趣和能力。?以下将“任务驱动的教学方法”简称“驱动法”。  【关键词】任务驱动 兴趣 创新 知识渗透 教学模式  1引言  《计算机应用基础》作为中职学校公
【摘要】近年来,越来越多的人倡导赏识教育,并将激励性口头评价运用于教学实践。诚然,激励性口头评价在发挥学生学习积极性,激发学生学习兴趣方面的确起到了比较大的作用,但是过犹不及,过分的激励也常常使课堂陷入评价的误区。  【关键词】口头评价 激励 高效性 课堂    马斯洛说过:“每个人在出色完成一件事后都渴望得到别人对他(她)的肯定和表扬,这种表扬就是激励人的上进心,唤起人的高涨情绪根本原因。”时下