从来源期刊计量指标等方面对 2 0 0 2年《广州大学学报·自然科学版》和核心期刊《中山大学学报 (自然科学版 )》进行了对比分析 ,对广州大学学报进行了质量评价 ,从而找到该刊与核心期刊的差距 ,为制定进入核心期刊的对策提供参考。
From the measurement of source journals and other aspects of the “Journal of Guangzhou University Natural Science Edition” and the core journal “Journal of Zhongshan University (Natural Science Edition)” in 2002 comparative analysis of the Journal of Guangzhou University conducted a quality assessment, thus Find the gap between the journal and the core journals, and provide reference for making the entry into the core journals.