阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer disease,AD)是一种痴呆综合征,在我国患者超过300万,约占痴呆患者的67.2%,已经成为严重危害老年人健康的一种疾病。我们2001年以来应用针刺醒神开窍疗法配合康复训练治疗本病,取得了较满意的疗效。1.临床资料:60例患者均来自本院针灸科门诊,其中男28例,女32例;年龄65~70岁12例,71~75岁20例,76~80岁28例。病程1~5年35例,6~10年18例,10年以上7
Alzheimer’s disease (Alzheimer’s disease, AD) is a dementia syndrome in our country more than 3 million patients, accounting for 67.2% of patients with dementia, has become a serious hazard to the health of the elderly a disease. Since 2001, we have used the acupuncture to awaken the gods to rehabilitate the disease and achieved satisfactory results. Clinical data: 60 patients were from our hospital acupuncture clinic, including 28 males and 32 females; aged 65 to 70 years in 12 cases, 71 to 75 years in 20 cases, 76 to 80 years in 28 cases. Duration of 1 to 5 years in 35 cases, 6 to 10 years in 18 cases, more than 10 years 7