Hedgehog skin, also known as hedgehog skin, agouti skin. Hedgehog for hedgehogs, dry prickly hedgehog skin. Hedgehog skin medicine bitter, flat. By the stomach, colon by. With good qi analgesic, blood stasis, solid essence of the effect. Commonly used in clinical gastric stomachache pain, rectal prolapse, bleeding hemorrhoids, nocturnal emission, enuresis embolism treatment. Materia Medica: “bitter flat.” The main five hemorrhoids eclipse the blood, red and white colored, blood more than, Yinchuanache cited back, wine bogey kill. Health Chuan Valley. “” Hedgehog is a temperature animal, at night Activities, insects, etc. as the main food, often living in the bush, will swim, afraid of heat. Hibernate in the late autumn, until the second spring, the climate is warm