从小好动的我,在《西游记》孙悟空的故事里成长;学生时代喜舞枪弄棒,与武术结下不解之缘;从教二十年,亦练亦教亦悟,教学相长。而今虽每天练功,对武术太极确情有独钟。 练拳知理,追根溯源,悟道归真,我已把太极拳融入了日常生活。 自然,以身正肢曲为根本,不拘于外形,可静可动。 功夫练久了,气血畅通了,身体健康起来,小时候常犯的支气管炎、鼻窦炎、胃炎也消失了,功夫层次也不断上升。特别是我从很多传统的功架练法上蜕脱出来,不拘泥于过多的动作导引和过多的意念意守,练时随心所欲,真正回到“松静自然”中来。
I grew up in the “Journey to the West” story of the Monkey King grew up; student times joy dance gun get sticks, and martial arts forged a bond; from teaching two decades, but also practice also Yiwu, teaching and learning. Today, though, practice martial arts every day, there is a special preference for martial arts Tai Chi. Practice martial arts, tracing the source, enlightened, I have Tai Chi into daily life. Naturally, with body limbs as the fundamental, regardless of shape, can be static and dynamic. Kung Fu practice a long time, blood flow, and healthy, often committed childhood bronchitis, sinusitis, gastritis also disappeared, kung fu level is also rising. In particular, I shed many traditional methods of practicing gantry and did not rigidly adhere to too much movement guidance and too much intention of keeping one’s mind at will. When I practiced it, I was truly back in “restless nature.”