(六)马蹄金(Dichondra repens),别名荷包草、黄疸草、铜钱草、小挖耳草。为旋花科多年生匍匐性草本植物。茎细长,节节生根。单叶互生,圆形或肾形,先端钝圆或具微凹,全缘,背面密被贴生丁字形毛。花腋生,花萼5裂,花冠钟状,黄色,深5裂,裂片长圆状披针形。雄蕊5枚,着生于花冠裂间缺口处。子房2室,蒴果近球形,种子2粒,黄至褐色,被毛。喜阴耐湿,稍耐旱,适应性强。生于阴湿山坡、林边、田野、住宅背阴处。播种或分株繁殖。我国长江以南广泛分布,现陕西、山西等省已引种栽培。本种蔓延能力很强,为优良的地被植物。全草入药,有清热利湿,
(F) Dichondra repens, alias puffball, jaundice grass, copper money grass, small dig grass. For Convolvulaceae perennial herb creeping. Slender stem, take root. Leaves alternate, round or kidney-shaped, apex obtuse or slightly concave, entire, the back is dense paste T-shaped hair. Flowers axillary, calyx 5-lobed, corolla bell-shaped, yellow, deeply 5-lobed, lobes oblong-lanceolate. Stamens 5, was born in the Corolla gap between. Ovary 2 rooms, capsule nearly spherical, 2 seeds, yellow to brown, coat. Xi Yin moisture, a little drought-resistant, adaptable. Born on the wet slopes, edge of the forest, fields, residential shade. Seeding or ramets breeding. Widely distributed to the south of the Yangtze River in our country, now Shaanxi, Shanxi and other provinces have introduced cultivation. The ability to spread this strong, excellent ground cover plants. The whole plant medicine, a heat dampness,