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作业是整个施教工作中不可缺少的一部分,是学科教学的延伸和补充,是对单位时间内所学知识的复习与巩固,是教师用来检查教学效果、指导学生学习的教学手段之一,也是帮助学生熟悉和掌握基础知识,基本技能和巩固学知识的有效手段之一。教师通过作业可以及时了解学生的学习状况,并据此调节、改善自己的教学。可是,在初中英语作业的布置和处理过程中,教师常常不自觉地陷入“题海”的误区,其结果不仅空耗了自己和学生的宝贵时间,而且导致学生厌学,降低了教学质量。这是有悖于真正的学科作业的主旨的。对照新的课程标准,英语作业布置和批改应遵循以下原则: The assignment is an indispensable part of the whole teaching process. It is an extension and supplement of the subject teaching. It is the review and consolidation of the knowledge learned in the unit of time. It is one of the teaching methods used by the teacher to check the teaching effect and guide the student’s learning. It is also one of the effective means to help students become familiar with and master basic knowledge, basic skills, and consolidate knowledge. Through the homework, teachers can understand the student’s learning status and adjust and improve their teaching accordingly. However, in the process of arrangement and processing of junior high school English assignments, teachers often do not consciously fall into the erroneous zone of “Timing the Sea”. The result not only consumes valuable time for themselves and students, but also leads to student weariness and reduces the quality of teaching. . This is contrary to the theme of real subject work. In contrast to the new curriculum standards, English assignment and correction should follow the following principles:
改革后的升学考试应当是与“终身教育”相匹配的考试、社区学院制的考试和让考生自由选择的考试,同时建有适应考试社会化的招生制度。 After the reform entrance examinatio
<正> 中西医结合治疗急性胰腺炎,疗程短、疗效高。几年来我们收治本病63例,非手术治愈60例,治愈率为95.2%,现报告如下。
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九月,秋高气爽。经历了一夏孕育,蘸和了骄阳酷暑的充盈。甘肃省第七届消防运动会将在省城兰州拉开帷幕。 “掀起业务技能训练高潮”。这是年初全省消防工作会议上总队党委为