
来源 :大众电影 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sxsj002
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在我的想象中,新世纪的《大众电影》应该是:当我看到这份杂志的时候,内心充满了兴奋和喜悦,因为它正是我心目中理想的电影杂志。 封面是《泰坦尼克号》第三个翻版中男女主人公站在船头接吻的画面,它的经典足以掀起一次又一次的热潮;封底是一群艳若桃李的影坛新星,着装新潮,形态妖冶,让观赏者如沐春风,心旷神怡。 翻到带着墨香的扉页,我看见了“有话就说”。二十世纪,一些记者、编者的不负责任,使得演员、艺人的名誉受到损害,如今杂志为演员们提供这个倾吐自己心声、展现自己思想与人生观的机会,无疑是明智的选择,它让我们既看到明星的光环,也真实地看见她们光环下的阴影。 色彩纷呈的栏目中,我最喜欢《电影解析》《导演手记》和《另 In my imagination, the “popular movie” of the new century should be: When I saw this magazine, my heart was full of excitement and delight because it was the ideal movie magazine for me. Cover is the third copy of the “Titanic” hero and heroine standing in the bow kissing picture, its classic enough to set off again and again the upsurge; back cover is a group of Yanlouli movie star, dress trendy, form flirtatious, Let the observer breeze, relaxed and happy. Turned to the page with ink incense, I saw “there is something to say.” In the twentieth century, the irresponsibility of some reporters and editors harmed the reputation of actors and artists. Today magazines provide performers an opportunity to pour out their own thoughts and show their own outlook on life, which is undoubtedly a wise choice We saw both the aura of stars and the real shadow of their aura. Among the colorful sections, my favorite “movie analytics” “director’s notes” and "the other
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