First, the issue raised Chaohuai main and auxiliary shaft mine has bottomed out, is entering the second phase of the project, the area of 8.1 square kilometers, design capacity of 900,000 tons / year, service life of 75.48 years. On February 6, 1985, the Dongfeng well was bursting at a level of 226 m 3 / h before the level of -10 and the flooding well affected the production for 20 days with an economic loss of as much as 150,000 yuan. According to the hydrogeological report, it is approved that the normal water inflow in the mine is 1000m ~ 3 / h and the maximum water inflow is 1500m ~ 3 / h. The main coal seam two _1 coal from L7 (7-8) limestone aquifer 5.65 ~ 12.86 meters, aquifuge lithology mudstone, sandy mudstone composition. According to the theoretical formula to calculate the required aquifer thickness of the rock should be 14.11 ~ 19.14 meters. Horizontal pressure 28 kgf / cm ~ 2. According to the relevant provisions of the mine hydrogeological regulations, Chaohua Mine modified the preliminary design, emphasizing “the mining area must be taken before the aquifer dehydration and decompression measures to prevent surface water” (see the design report). Large amount of water, water