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多外挂飞机在固有振动特性测试过程中往往会耗费较长的时间,并且外挂模态可能会与飞机的结构模态耦合在一起,增加了模态识别和分离的难度。本文提出了用混合界面法解决多外挂飞机的固有振动特性问题。采用无外挂飞机的地面共振试验结果和外挂的地面共振试验结果,运用混合界面模态综合理论,对整个全机结构固有振动特性进行分析,获得全机固有振动特性。本文的研究成果可以在飞机挂载方案改变时,快速的对挂载飞机的振动特性进行分析,提高获取带外挂飞机固有振动特性的效率,为研究带外挂飞机的固有振动特性提供了新的方法和途径。 Multi-plugged aircraft tend to take longer time to test inherent vibration characteristics and plug-in modes may be coupled with the structural modes of the aircraft, increasing the difficulty of modal identification and separation. In this paper, a hybrid interface method is proposed to solve the inherent vibration characteristics of multi-plugged aircraft. Based on the results of ground resonance test without plug-in aircraft and ground-based vibration test of plug-in aircraft, this paper analyzes the natural vibration characteristics of the whole whole structure by using mixed interface modal synthesis theory and obtains the natural vibration characteristics of the whole machine. The research results of this paper can quickly analyze the vibration characteristics of the mounted aircraft and improve the efficiency of obtaining the natural vibration characteristics of the external aircraft with the change of the aircraft mounting plan, providing a new method for studying the natural vibration characteristics of the external aircraft with the attached aircraft And ways.
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